mp_region.c   [plain text]

 * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
 * Copyright (c) 1996,2007 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
 * $Id: mp_region.c,v 12.33 2007/05/17 17:18:01 bostic Exp $

#include "db_config.h"

#include "db_int.h"
#include "dbinc/mp.h"

static int	__memp_init_config __P((DB_ENV *, MPOOL *));
static void	__memp_region_size __P((DB_ENV *, roff_t *, u_int32_t *));

 * __memp_open --
 *	Internal version of memp_open: only called from DB_ENV->open.
 * PUBLIC: int __memp_open __P((DB_ENV *, int));
__memp_open(dbenv, create_ok)
	DB_ENV *dbenv;
	int create_ok;
	DB_MPOOL *dbmp;
	MPOOL *mp;
	REGINFO reginfo;
	roff_t reg_size;
	u_int i, max_nreg;
	u_int32_t htab_buckets, *regids;
	int ret;

	/* Calculate the region size and hash bucket count. */
	__memp_region_size(dbenv, &reg_size, &htab_buckets);

	/* Create and initialize the DB_MPOOL structure. */
	if ((ret = __os_calloc(dbenv, 1, sizeof(*dbmp), &dbmp)) != 0)
		return (ret);
	dbmp->dbenv = dbenv;

	/* Join/create the first mpool region. */
	memset(&reginfo, 0, sizeof(REGINFO));
	reginfo.dbenv = dbenv;
	reginfo.flags = REGION_JOIN_OK;
	if (create_ok)
		F_SET(&reginfo, REGION_CREATE_OK);
	if ((ret = __env_region_attach(dbenv, &reginfo, reg_size)) != 0)
		goto err;

	 * If we created the region, initialize it.  Create or join any
	 * additional regions.
	if (F_ISSET(&reginfo, REGION_CREATE)) {
		 * We define how many regions there are going to be, allocate
		 * the REGINFO structures and create them.  Make sure we don't
		 * clear the wrong entries on error.
		max_nreg = __memp_max_regions(dbenv);
		if ((ret = __os_calloc(dbenv,
		    max_nreg, sizeof(REGINFO), &dbmp->reginfo)) != 0)
			goto err;
		/* Make sure we don't clear the wrong entries on error. */
		dbmp->reginfo[0] = reginfo;
		for (i = 1; i < max_nreg; ++i)
			dbmp->reginfo[i].id = INVALID_REGION_ID;

		/* Initialize the first region. */
		if ((ret = __memp_init(dbenv, dbmp,
		    0, htab_buckets, max_nreg)) != 0)
			goto err;

		 * Create/initialize remaining regions and copy their IDs into
		 * the first region.
		mp = R_ADDR(dbmp->reginfo, dbmp->reginfo[0].rp->primary);
		regids = R_ADDR(dbmp->reginfo, mp->regids);
		regids[0] = dbmp->reginfo[0].id;
		for (i = 1; i < dbenv->mp_ncache; ++i) {
			dbmp->reginfo[i].dbenv = dbenv;
			dbmp->reginfo[i].type = REGION_TYPE_MPOOL;
			dbmp->reginfo[i].id = INVALID_REGION_ID;
			dbmp->reginfo[i].flags = REGION_CREATE_OK;
			if ((ret = __env_region_attach(
			    dbenv, &dbmp->reginfo[i], reg_size)) != 0)
				goto err;
			if ((ret = __memp_init(dbenv, dbmp,
			    i, htab_buckets, max_nreg)) != 0)
				goto err;

			regids[i] = dbmp->reginfo[i].id;
	} else {
		 * Determine how many regions there are going to be, allocate
		 * the REGINFO structures and fill in local copies of that
		 * information.
		mp = R_ADDR(&reginfo, reginfo.rp->primary);
		dbenv->mp_ncache = mp->nreg;
		if ((ret = __os_calloc(dbenv,
		    mp->max_nreg, sizeof(REGINFO), &dbmp->reginfo)) != 0)
			goto err;
		/* Make sure we don't clear the wrong entries on error. */
		for (i = 0; i < dbenv->mp_ncache; ++i)
			dbmp->reginfo[i].id = INVALID_REGION_ID;
		dbmp->reginfo[0] = reginfo;

		/* Join remaining regions. */
		regids = R_ADDR(dbmp->reginfo, mp->regids);
		for (i = 1; i < dbenv->mp_ncache; ++i) {
			dbmp->reginfo[i].dbenv = dbenv;
			dbmp->reginfo[i].type = REGION_TYPE_MPOOL;
			dbmp->reginfo[i].id = regids[i];
			dbmp->reginfo[i].flags = REGION_JOIN_OK;
			if ((ret = __env_region_attach(
			    dbenv, &dbmp->reginfo[i], 0)) != 0)
				goto err;

	/* Set the local addresses for the regions. */
	for (i = 0; i < dbenv->mp_ncache; ++i)
		dbmp->reginfo[i].primary =
		    R_ADDR(&dbmp->reginfo[i], dbmp->reginfo[i].rp->primary);

	/* If the region is threaded, allocate a mutex to lock the handles. */
	if ((ret = __mutex_alloc(dbenv,
	    MTX_MPOOL_HANDLE, DB_MUTEX_PROCESS_ONLY, &dbmp->mutex)) != 0)
		goto err;

	dbenv->mp_handle = dbmp;

	/* A process joining the region may reset the mpool configuration. */
	if ((ret = __memp_init_config(dbenv, mp)) != 0)
		return (ret);

	return (0);

err:	dbenv->mp_handle = NULL;
	if (dbmp->reginfo != NULL && dbmp->reginfo[0].addr != NULL) {
		for (i = 0; i < dbenv->mp_ncache; ++i)
			if (dbmp->reginfo[i].id != INVALID_REGION_ID)
				    dbenv, &dbmp->reginfo[i], 0);
		__os_free(dbenv, dbmp->reginfo);

	(void)__mutex_free(dbenv, &dbmp->mutex);
	__os_free(dbenv, dbmp);
	return (ret);

 * __memp_init --
 *	Initialize a MPOOL structure in shared memory.
 * PUBLIC: int	__memp_init
 * PUBLIC:     __P((DB_ENV *, DB_MPOOL *, u_int, u_int32_t, u_int));
__memp_init(dbenv, dbmp, reginfo_off, htab_buckets, max_nreg)
	DB_ENV *dbenv;
	DB_MPOOL *dbmp;
	u_int reginfo_off, max_nreg;
	u_int32_t htab_buckets;
	BH *frozen_bhp;
	DB_MPOOL_HASH *htab, *hp;
	MPOOL *mp, *main_mp;
	REGINFO *infop;
	db_mutex_t mtx_base, mtx_discard, mtx_prev;
	u_int32_t i;
	int ret;
	void *p;

	infop = &dbmp->reginfo[reginfo_off];
	if ((ret = __env_alloc(infop, sizeof(MPOOL), &infop->primary)) != 0)
		goto mem_err;
	infop->rp->primary = R_OFFSET(infop, infop->primary);
	mp = infop->primary;
	memset(mp, 0, sizeof(*mp));

	if ((ret =
	    __mutex_alloc(dbenv, MTX_MPOOL_REGION, 0, &mp->mtx_region)) != 0)
		return (ret);

	if (reginfo_off == 0) {

		mp->nreg = dbenv->mp_ncache;
		mp->max_nreg = max_nreg;
		if ((ret = __env_alloc(&dbmp->reginfo[0],
		    max_nreg * sizeof(u_int32_t), &p)) != 0)
			goto mem_err;
		mp->regids = R_OFFSET(dbmp->reginfo, p);
		mp->nbuckets = dbenv->mp_ncache * htab_buckets;

		/* Allocate file table space and initialize it. */
		if ((ret = __env_alloc(infop,
		    MPOOL_FILE_BUCKETS * sizeof(DB_MPOOL_HASH), &htab)) != 0)
			goto mem_err;
		mp->ftab = R_OFFSET(infop, htab);
		for (i = 0; i < MPOOL_FILE_BUCKETS; i++) {
			if ((ret = __mutex_alloc(dbenv,
			     MTX_MPOOL_FILE_BUCKET, 0, &htab[i].mtx_hash)) != 0)
				return (ret);
			htab[i].hash_page_dirty = htab[i].hash_priority = 0;

		 * Allocate all of the hash bucket mutexes up front.  We do
		 * this so that we don't need to free and reallocate mutexes as
		 * the cache is resized.
		mtx_base = mtx_prev = MUTEX_INVALID;
		for (i = 0; i < mp->max_nreg * htab_buckets; i++) {
			if ((ret = __mutex_alloc(dbenv, MTX_MPOOL_HASH_BUCKET,
			    0, &mtx_discard)) != 0)
				return (ret);
			if (i == 0) {
				mtx_base = mtx_discard;
				mtx_prev = mtx_discard - 1;
			DB_ASSERT(dbenv, mtx_discard == mtx_prev + 1 ||
			    mtx_base == MUTEX_INVALID);
			mtx_prev = mtx_discard;
			if ((ret = __mutex_alloc(dbenv, MTX_MPOOL_IO,
			    DB_MUTEX_SELF_BLOCK, &mtx_discard)) != 0)
				return (ret);
			DB_ASSERT(dbenv, mtx_discard == mtx_prev + 1 ||
			    mtx_base == MUTEX_INVALID);
			mtx_prev = mtx_discard;
	} else {
		main_mp = dbmp->reginfo[0].primary;
		htab = R_ADDR(&dbmp->reginfo[0], main_mp->htab);
		mtx_base = htab[0].mtx_hash;

	if (mtx_base != MUTEX_INVALID)
		mtx_base += reginfo_off * htab_buckets;

	/* Allocate hash table space and initialize it. */
	if ((ret = __env_alloc(infop,
	    htab_buckets * sizeof(DB_MPOOL_HASH), &htab)) != 0)
		goto mem_err;
	mp->htab = R_OFFSET(infop, htab);
	for (i = 0; i < htab_buckets; i++) {
		hp = &htab[i];
		hp->mtx_hash = (mtx_base == MUTEX_INVALID) ? MUTEX_INVALID :
		    mtx_base + i * 2;
		hp->mtx_io = (mtx_base == MUTEX_INVALID) ? MUTEX_INVALID :
		    mtx_base + i * 2 + 1;
		hp->hash_page_dirty = hp->hash_priority = 0;
		hp->hash_io_wait = 0;
		hp->hash_frozen = hp->hash_thawed = hp->hash_frozen_freed = 0;
		hp->flags = 0;
	mp->htab_buckets = htab_buckets;
	mp->stat.st_hash_buckets = htab_buckets;


	 * Pre-allocate one frozen buffer header.  This avoids situations where
	 * the cache becomes full of pages and we don't even have the 28 bytes
	 * (or so) available to allocate a frozen buffer header.
	if ((ret = __env_alloc(infop,
	    sizeof(BH_FROZEN_ALLOC) + sizeof(BH_FROZEN_PAGE), &frozen)) != 0)
		goto mem_err;
	frozen_bhp = (BH *)(frozen + 1);
	SH_TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&mp->alloc_frozen, frozen, links);
	SH_TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&mp->free_frozen, frozen_bhp, hq);

	 * Only the environment creator knows the total cache size, fill in
	 * those statistics now.
	mp->stat.st_gbytes = dbenv->mp_gbytes;
	mp->stat.st_bytes = dbenv->mp_bytes;
	return (0);

mem_err:__db_errx(dbenv, "Unable to allocate memory for mpool region");
	return (ret);

 * PUBLIC: u_int32_t __memp_max_regions __P((DB_ENV *));
	DB_ENV *dbenv;
	roff_t reg_size, max_size;
	u_int32_t max_nreg;

	__memp_region_size(dbenv, &reg_size, NULL);
	max_size = (roff_t)dbenv->mp_max_gbytes * GIGABYTE +
	max_nreg = (max_size + reg_size / 2) / reg_size;
	if (max_nreg <= dbenv->mp_ncache)
		max_nreg = dbenv->mp_ncache;
	return (max_nreg);

 * __memp_region_size --
 *	Size the region and figure out how many hash buckets we'll have.
static void
__memp_region_size(dbenv, reg_sizep, htab_bucketsp)
	DB_ENV *dbenv;
	roff_t *reg_sizep;
	u_int32_t *htab_bucketsp;
	roff_t reg_size, cache_size;

	 * Figure out how big each cache region is.  Cast an operand to roff_t
	 * so we do 64-bit arithmetic as appropriate.
	cache_size = (roff_t)dbenv->mp_gbytes * GIGABYTE + dbenv->mp_bytes;
	reg_size = cache_size / dbenv->mp_ncache;
	if (reg_sizep != NULL)
		*reg_sizep = reg_size;

	 * Figure out how many hash buckets each region will have.  Assume we
	 * want to keep the hash chains with under 10 pages on each chain.  We
	 * don't know the pagesize in advance, and it may differ for different
	 * files.  Use a pagesize of 1K for the calculation -- we walk these
	 * chains a lot, they must be kept short.
	 * XXX
	 * Cache sizes larger than 10TB would cause 32-bit wrapping in the
	 * calculation of the number of hash buckets.  This probably isn't
	 * something we need to worry about right now, but is checked when the
	 * cache size is set.
	if (htab_bucketsp != NULL)
		*htab_bucketsp =
		    __db_tablesize((u_int32_t)(reg_size / (10 * 1024)));

 * __memp_region_mutex_count --
 *	Return the number of mutexes the mpool region will need.
 * PUBLIC: u_int32_t __memp_region_mutex_count __P((DB_ENV *));
	DB_ENV *dbenv;
	u_int32_t htab_buckets;

	__memp_region_size(dbenv, NULL, &htab_buckets);

	 * We need a couple of mutexes for the region itself, one for each
	 * file handle (MPOOLFILE) the application allocates, one for each
	 * of the MPOOL_FILE_BUCKETS, and each cache has two mutexes per
	 * hash bucket.
	return (dbenv->mp_ncache * htab_buckets * 2 + 50 + MPOOL_FILE_BUCKETS);

 * __memp_init_config --
 *	Initialize shared configuration information.
static int
__memp_init_config(dbenv, mp)
	DB_ENV *dbenv;
	MPOOL *mp;

	if (dbenv->mp_mmapsize != 0)
		mp->mp_mmapsize = dbenv->mp_mmapsize;
	if (dbenv->mp_maxopenfd != 0)
		mp->mp_maxopenfd = dbenv->mp_maxopenfd;
	if (dbenv->mp_maxwrite != 0)
		mp->mp_maxwrite = dbenv->mp_maxwrite;
	if (dbenv->mp_maxwrite_sleep != 0)
		mp->mp_maxwrite_sleep = dbenv->mp_maxwrite_sleep;


	return (0);

 * __memp_env_refresh --
 *	Clean up after the mpool system on a close or failed open.
 * PUBLIC: int __memp_env_refresh __P((DB_ENV *));
	DB_ENV *dbenv;
	BH *bhp;
	BH_FROZEN_ALLOC *frozen_alloc;
	DB_MPOOL *dbmp;
	DB_MPREG *mpreg;
	MPOOL *mp, *c_mp;
	REGINFO *infop;
	db_mutex_t mtx_base, mtx;
	u_int32_t bucket, htab_buckets, i, max_nreg, nreg;
	int ret, t_ret;

	ret = 0;
	dbmp = dbenv->mp_handle;
	mp = dbmp->reginfo[0].primary;
	htab_buckets = mp->htab_buckets;
	nreg = mp->nreg;
	max_nreg = mp->max_nreg;
	hp = R_ADDR(&dbmp->reginfo[0], mp->htab);
	mtx_base = hp->mtx_hash;

	 * If a private region, return the memory to the heap.  Not needed for
	 * filesystem-backed or system shared memory regions, that memory isn't
	 * owned by any particular process.
	if (!F_ISSET(dbenv, DB_ENV_PRIVATE))
		goto not_priv;

	/* Discard buffers. */
	for (i = 0; i < nreg; ++i) {
		infop = &dbmp->reginfo[i];
		c_mp = infop->primary;
		for (hp = R_ADDR(infop, c_mp->htab), bucket = 0;
		    bucket < c_mp->htab_buckets; ++hp, ++bucket) {
			while ((bhp = SH_TAILQ_FIRST(
			    &hp->hash_bucket, __bh)) != NULL)
				if (F_ISSET(bhp, BH_FROZEN))
					    &hp->hash_bucket, bhp,
					    hq, __bh);
				else {
					if (F_ISSET(bhp, BH_DIRTY)) {
					if ((t_ret = __memp_bhfree(
					    dbmp, infop, hp, bhp,
					    BH_FREE_FREEMEM |
					    BH_FREE_UNLOCKED)) != 0 && ret == 0)
						ret = t_ret;
		while ((frozen_alloc = SH_TAILQ_FIRST(
		    &c_mp->alloc_frozen, __bh_frozen_a)) != NULL) {
			SH_TAILQ_REMOVE(&c_mp->alloc_frozen, frozen_alloc,
			    links, __bh_frozen_a);
			__env_alloc_free(infop, frozen_alloc);

	/* Discard hash bucket mutexes. */
	if (mtx_base != MUTEX_INVALID)
		for (i = 0; i < 2 * max_nreg * htab_buckets; ++i) {
			mtx = mtx_base + i;
			if ((t_ret = __mutex_free(dbenv, &mtx)) != 0 &&
			    ret == 0)
				ret = t_ret;

	/* Discard DB_MPOOLFILEs. */
	while ((dbmfp = TAILQ_FIRST(&dbmp->dbmfq)) != NULL)
		if ((t_ret = __memp_fclose(dbmfp, 0)) != 0 && ret == 0)
			ret = t_ret;

	/* Discard DB_MPREGs. */
	if (dbmp->pg_inout != NULL)
		__os_free(dbenv, dbmp->pg_inout);
	while ((mpreg = LIST_FIRST(&dbmp->dbregq)) != NULL) {
		LIST_REMOVE(mpreg, q);
		__os_free(dbenv, mpreg);

	/* Discard the DB_MPOOL thread mutex. */
	if ((t_ret = __mutex_free(dbenv, &dbmp->mutex)) != 0 && ret == 0)
		ret = t_ret;

	if (F_ISSET(dbenv, DB_ENV_PRIVATE)) {
		/* Discard REGION IDs. */
		infop = &dbmp->reginfo[0];
		__memp_free(infop, NULL, R_ADDR(infop, mp->regids));

		/* Discard the File table. */
		__memp_free(infop, NULL, R_ADDR(infop, mp->ftab));

		/* Discard Hash tables. */
		for (i = 0; i < nreg; ++i) {
			infop = &dbmp->reginfo[i];
			c_mp = infop->primary;
			__memp_free(infop, NULL, R_ADDR(infop, c_mp->htab));

	/* Detach from the region. */
	for (i = 0; i < nreg; ++i) {
		infop = &dbmp->reginfo[i];
		if ((t_ret =
		    __env_region_detach(dbenv, infop, 0)) != 0 && ret == 0)
			ret = t_ret;

	/* Discard DB_MPOOL. */
	__os_free(dbenv, dbmp->reginfo);
	__os_free(dbenv, dbmp);

	dbenv->mp_handle = NULL;
	return (ret);