tcl_db.h   [plain text]

 * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
 * Copyright (c) 1999,2007 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
 * $Id: tcl_db.h,v 12.11 2007/05/17 15:15:05 bostic Exp $

#ifndef _DB_TCL_DB_H_
#define	_DB_TCL_DB_H_

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {

#define	MSG_SIZE 100		/* Message size */


#define	MAX_ID		8	/* Maximum number of sub-id's we need */
#define	DBTCL_PREP	64	/* Size of txn_recover preplist */

#define	DBTCL_DBM	1
#define	DBTCL_NDBM	2

 * Why use a home grown package over the Tcl_Hash functions?
 * We could have implemented the stuff below without maintaining our
 * own list manipulation, efficiently hashing it with the available
 * Tcl functions (Tcl_CreateHashEntry, Tcl_GetHashValue, etc).  I chose
 * not to do so for these reasons:
 * We still need the information below.  Using the hashing only removes
 * us from needing the next/prev pointers.  We still need the structure
 * itself because we need more than one value associated with a widget.
 * We need to keep track of parent pointers for sub-widgets (like cursors)
 * so we can correctly close.  We need to keep track of individual widget's
 * id counters for any sub-widgets they may have.  We need to be able to
 * associate the name/client data outside the scope of the widget.
 * So, is it better to use the hashing rather than
 * the linear list we have now?  I decided against it for the simple reason
 * that to access the structure would require two calls.  The first is
 * Tcl_FindHashEntry(table, key) and then, once we have the entry, we'd
 * have to do Tcl_GetHashValue(entry) to get the pointer of the structure.
 * I believe the number of simultaneous DB widgets in existence at one time
 * is not going to be that large (more than several dozen) such that
 * linearly searching the list is not going to impact performance in a
 * noticeable way.  Should performance be impacted due to the size of the
 * info list, then perhaps it is time to revisit this decision.
typedef struct dbtcl_info {
	LIST_ENTRY(dbtcl_info) entries;
	Tcl_Interp *i_interp;
	char *i_name;
	enum INFOTYPE i_type;
	union infop {
		DB *dbp;
		DBC *dbcp;
		DB_ENV *envp;
		DB_LOCK *lock;
		DB_LOGC *logc;
		DB_TXN *txnp;
		void *anyp;
	} un;
	union data {
		int anydata;
		db_pgno_t pgno;
		u_int32_t lockid;
	} und;
	union data2 {
		int anydata;
		int pagesz;
		DB_COMPACT *c_data;
	} und2;
	DBT i_lockobj;
	FILE *i_err;
	char *i_errpfx;

	/* Callbacks--Tcl_Objs containing proc names */
	Tcl_Obj *i_compare;
	Tcl_Obj *i_dupcompare;
	Tcl_Obj *i_event;
	Tcl_Obj *i_hashproc;
	Tcl_Obj *i_rep_send;
	Tcl_Obj *i_second_call;

	/* Environment ID for the i_rep_send callback. */
	Tcl_Obj *i_rep_eid;

	struct dbtcl_info *i_parent;
	int	i_otherid[MAX_ID];

#define	i_anyp un.anyp
#define	i_pagep un.anyp
#define	i_envp un.envp
#define	i_dbp un.dbp
#define	i_dbcp un.dbcp
#define	i_txnp un.txnp
#define	i_mp
#define	i_lock un.lock
#define	i_logc un.logc

#define	i_data und.anydata
#define	i_pgno und.pgno
#define	i_locker und.lockid
#define	i_data2 und2.anydata
#define	i_pgsz und2.pagesz
#define	i_cdata und2.c_data

#define	i_envtxnid i_otherid[0]
#define	i_envmpid i_otherid[1]
#define	i_envlockid i_otherid[2]
#define	i_envlogcid i_otherid[3]

#define	i_mppgid  i_otherid[0]

#define	i_dbdbcid i_otherid[0]

extern int __debug_on, __debug_print, __debug_stop, __debug_test;

typedef struct dbtcl_global {
	LIST_HEAD(infohead, dbtcl_info) g_infohead;
#define	__db_infohead __dbtcl_global.g_infohead

extern DBTCL_GLOBAL __dbtcl_global;

 * Tcl_NewStringObj takes an "int" length argument, when the typical use is to
 * call it with a size_t length (for example, returned by strlen).  Tcl is in
 * the wrong, but that doesn't help us much -- cast the argument.
#define	NewStringObj(a, b)						\
	Tcl_NewStringObj(a, (int)b)

#define	NAME_TO_DB(name)	(DB *)_NameToPtr((name))
#define	NAME_TO_DBC(name)	(DBC *)_NameToPtr((name))
#define	NAME_TO_ENV(name)	(DB_ENV *)_NameToPtr((name))
#define	NAME_TO_LOCK(name)	(DB_LOCK *)_NameToPtr((name))
#define	NAME_TO_MP(name)	(DB_MPOOLFILE *)_NameToPtr((name))
#define	NAME_TO_TXN(name)	(DB_TXN *)_NameToPtr((name))
#define	NAME_TO_SEQUENCE(name)	(DB_SEQUENCE *)_NameToPtr((name))

 * MAKE_STAT_LIST appends a {name value} pair to a result list that MUST be
 * called 'res' that is a Tcl_Obj * in the local function.  This macro also
 * assumes a label "error" to go to in the event of a Tcl error.  For stat
 * functions this will typically go before the "free" function to free the
 * stat structure returned by DB.
#define	MAKE_STAT_LIST(s, v) do {					\
	result = _SetListElemInt(interp, res, (s), (long)(v));		\
	if (result != TCL_OK)						\
		goto error;						\
} while (0)

#define	MAKE_WSTAT_LIST(s, v) do {					\
	result = _SetListElemWideInt(interp, res, (s), (int64_t)(v));	\
	if (result != TCL_OK)						\
		goto error;						\
} while (0)

 * MAKE_STAT_LSN appends a {name {LSNfile LSNoffset}} pair to a result list
 * that MUST be called 'res' that is a Tcl_Obj * in the local
 * function.  This macro also assumes a label "error" to go to
 * in the even of a Tcl error.  For stat functions this will
 * typically go before the "free" function to free the stat structure
 * returned by DB.
#define	MAKE_STAT_LSN(s, lsn) do {					\
	myobjc = 2;							\
	myobjv[0] = Tcl_NewLongObj((long)(lsn)->file);			\
	myobjv[1] = Tcl_NewLongObj((long)(lsn)->offset);		\
	lsnlist = Tcl_NewListObj(myobjc, myobjv);			\
	myobjc = 2;							\
	myobjv[0] = Tcl_NewStringObj((s), (int)strlen(s));		\
	myobjv[1] = lsnlist;						\
	thislist = Tcl_NewListObj(myobjc, myobjv);			\
	result = Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, res, thislist);	\
	if (result != TCL_OK)						\
		goto error;						\
} while (0)

 * MAKE_STAT_STRLIST appends a {name string} pair to a result list
 * that MUST be called 'res' that is a Tcl_Obj * in the local
 * function.  This macro also assumes a label "error" to go to
 * in the even of a Tcl error.  For stat functions this will
 * typically go before the "free" function to free the stat structure
 * returned by DB.
#define	MAKE_STAT_STRLIST(s,s1) do {					\
	result = _SetListElem(interp, res, (s), strlen(s),		\
	    (s1), strlen(s1));						\
	if (result != TCL_OK)						\
		goto error;						\
} while (0)

 * FLAG_CHECK checks that the given flag is not set yet.
 * If it is, it sets up an error message.
#define	FLAG_CHECK(flag) do {						\
	if ((flag) != 0) {						\
		Tcl_SetResult(interp,					\
		    " Only 1 policy can be specified.\n",		\
		    TCL_STATIC);					\
		result = TCL_ERROR;					\
		break;							\
	}								\
} while (0)

 * FLAG_CHECK2 checks that the given flag is not set yet or is
 * only set to the given allowed value.
 * If it is, it sets up an error message.
#define	FLAG_CHECK2(flag, val) do {					\
	if (((flag) & ~(val)) != 0) {					\
		Tcl_SetResult(interp,					\
		    " Only 1 policy can be specified.\n",		\
		    TCL_STATIC);					\
		result = TCL_ERROR;					\
		break;							\
	}								\
} while (0)

 * IS_HELP checks whether the arg we bombed on is -?, which is a help option.
 * If it is, we return TCL_OK (but leave the result set to whatever
 * Tcl_GetIndexFromObj says, which lists all the valid options.  Otherwise
 * return TCL_ERROR.
#define	IS_HELP(s)						\
    (strcmp(Tcl_GetStringFromObj(s,NULL), "-?") == 0) ? TCL_OK : TCL_ERROR

#if defined(__cplusplus)

#include "dbinc_auto/tcl_ext.h"
#endif /* !_DB_TCL_DB_H_ */