# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. # # Copyright (c) 2002-2003 # Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved. # # $Id: rep004.tcl,v 1.2 2004/03/30 01:24:08 jtownsen Exp $ # # TEST rep004 # TEST Test of DB_REP_LOGSONLY. # TEST # TEST Run a quick put test in a master environment that has one logs-only # TEST client. Shut down, then run catastrophic recovery in the logs-only # TEST client and check that the database is present and populated. proc rep004 { method { nitems 10 } { tnum "004" } args } { source ./include.tcl global testdir env_cleanup $testdir set dbname rep$tnum.db set omethod [convert_method $method] set oargs [convert_args $method $args] puts "Rep$tnum: Test of logs-only replication clients" replsetup $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR set masterdir $testdir/MASTERDIR file mkdir $masterdir set clientdir $testdir/CLIENTDIR file mkdir $clientdir set logsonlydir $testdir/LOGSONLYDIR file mkdir $logsonlydir # Open a master, a logsonly replica, and a normal client. repladd 1 set masterenv [berkdb_env -create -home $masterdir -txn -rep_master \ -rep_transport [list 1 replsend]] error_check_good master_env [is_valid_env $masterenv] TRUE repladd 2 set loenv [berkdb_env -create -home $logsonlydir -txn -rep_logsonly \ -rep_transport [list 2 replsend]] error_check_good logsonly_env [is_valid_env $loenv] TRUE repladd 3 set clientenv [berkdb_env -create -home $clientdir -txn -rep_client \ -rep_transport [list 3 replsend]] error_check_good client_env [is_valid_env $clientenv] TRUE puts "\tRep$tnum.a: Populate database." set db [eval {berkdb open -create -mode 0644 -auto_commit} \ -env $masterenv $oargs $omethod $dbname] error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE set did [open $dict] set count 0 while { [gets $did str] != -1 && $count < $nitems } { if { [is_record_based $method] == 1 } { set key [expr $count + 1] set data $str } else { set key $str set data [reverse $str] } set kvals($count) $key set dvals($count) [pad_data $method $data] set txn [$masterenv txn] error_check_good txn($count) [is_valid_txn $txn $masterenv] TRUE set ret [eval \ {$db put} -txn $txn {$key [chop_data $method $data]}] error_check_good put($count) $ret 0 error_check_good commit($count) [$txn commit] 0 incr count } puts "\tRep$tnum.b: Sync up clients." while { 1 } { set nproced 0 incr nproced [replprocessqueue $masterenv 1] incr nproced [replprocessqueue $loenv 2] incr nproced [replprocessqueue $clientenv 3] if { $nproced == 0 } { break } } puts "\tRep$tnum.c: Get master and logs-only client ahead." set newcount 0 while { [gets $did str] != -1 && $newcount < $nitems } { if { [is_record_based $method] == 1 } { set key [expr $count + 1] set data $str } else { set key $str set data [reverse $str] } set kvals($count) $key set dvals($count) [pad_data $method $data] set txn [$masterenv txn] error_check_good txn($count) [is_valid_txn $txn $masterenv] TRUE set ret [eval \ {$db put} -txn $txn {$key [chop_data $method $data]}] error_check_good put($count) $ret 0 error_check_good commit($count) [$txn commit] 0 incr count incr newcount } error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0 puts "\tRep$tnum.d: Sync up logs-only client only, then fail over." while { 1 } { set nproced 0 incr nproced [replprocessqueue $masterenv 1] incr nproced [replprocessqueue $loenv 2] if { $nproced == 0 } { break } } # "Crash" the master, and fail over to the upgradeable client. error_check_good masterenv_close [$masterenv close] 0 replclear 3 error_check_good upgrade_client [$clientenv rep_start -master] 0 while { 1 } { set nproced 0 incr nproced [replprocessqueue $clientenv 3] incr nproced [replprocessqueue $loenv 2] if { $nproced == 0 } { break } } error_check_good loenv_close [$loenv close] 0 puts "\tRep$tnum.e: Run catastrophic recovery on logs-only client." set loenv [berkdb_env -create -home $logsonlydir -txn -recover_fatal] puts "\tRep$tnum.f: Verify logs-only client contents." set lodb [eval {berkdb open} -env $loenv $oargs $omethod $dbname] set loc [$lodb cursor] set cdb [eval {berkdb open} -env $clientenv $oargs $omethod $dbname] set cc [$cdb cursor] # Make sure new master and recovered logs-only replica match. for { set cdbt [$cc get -first] } \ { [llength $cdbt] > 0 } { set cdbt [$cc get -next] } { set lodbt [$loc get -next] error_check_good newmaster_replica_match $cdbt $lodbt } # Reset new master cursor. error_check_good cc_close [$cc close] 0 set cc [$cdb cursor] for { set lodbt [$loc get -first] } \ { [llength $lodbt] > 0 } { set lodbt [$loc get -next] } { set cdbt [$cc get -next] error_check_good replica_newmaster_match $lodbt $cdbt } error_check_good loc_close [$loc close] 0 error_check_good lodb_close [$lodb close] 0 error_check_good loenv_close [$loenv close] 0 error_check_good cc_close [$cc close] 0 error_check_good cdb_close [$cdb close] 0 error_check_good clientenv_close [$clientenv close] 0 close $did replclose $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR }