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Running gatherHeaderDoc.pl

The gatherHeaderDoc.pl script scans an input directory (recursively) for any documentation generated by headerDoc2HTML. It creates a master table of contents (named masterTOC.html by default—the name can be changed by setting a new name in the configuration file or by specifying a second argument). It also adds a “top” link to all the documentation sets it visits to make it easier to navigate back to the master table of contents.

Here's an example of how to create documentation for a number of headers (the sample ones provided with the scripts) and then generate a master table of contents:

 > headerdoc2html -o OutputDir ExampleHeaders
 > gatherheaderdoc OutputDir

You can now open the file OutputDir/masterTOC.html in your browser to see the interlinked sets of documentation.

You can also add a second argument to change the output file name. For example:

 > headerdoc2html -o OutputDir ExampleHeaders
 > gatherheaderdoc OutputDir MYTOCNAME.html

This time, gatherHeaderDoc created the file OutputDir/MYTOCNAME.html instead of OutputDir/masterTOC.html.

For more information on configuring gatherHeaderDoc, see “Configuring HeaderDoc”.

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