## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = 1.4 AM_CPPFLAGS = \ -I$(top_srcdir) \ -I$(top_srcdir)/cdt \ -I$(top_srcdir)/agraph \ -I$(top_srcdir)/dynagraph \ -I$(top_builddir)/dynagraph LIBS = @LIBS@ noinst_HEADERS = Pattern.h Search.h gscmds.h gsxep.h gsgram.h if ENABLE_DYNAGRAPH bin_PROGRAMS = graphsearch endif graphsearch_SOURCES = graphsearch.cpp Pattern.cpp Search.cpp gscmds.cpp \ gsscan.cpp gsgram.cpp ${noinst_HEADERS} graphsearch_LDADD = ${top_builddir}/dynagraph/common/libdynagraph.la \ ${top_builddir}/agraph/libagraph.la \ ${top_builddir}/cdt/libcdt.la gsscan.cpp: ${top_srcdir}/dynagraph/graphsearch/gsscan.lpp gsgram.h gsgram.h : gsgram.cpp gsgram.cpp : ${top_srcdir}/dynagraph/graphsearch/gsgram.ypp SUFFIXES = .cpp .lpp .ypp .lpp.cpp: @LEX@ $< @SED@ "s/yy/gs_yy/g" < @LEX_OUTPUT_ROOT@.c > $@ rm @LEX_OUTPUT_ROOT@.c .ypp.cpp: @YACC@ -dv $< @SED@ "s/yy/gs_yy/g" < y.tab.c > $@ @SED@ "s/yy/gs_yy/g" < y.tab.h > $*.h rm y.tab.c y.tab.h DISTCLEANFILES = y.output MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = gsgram.cpp gsgram.h gsscan.cpp EXTRA_DIST = \ $(graphsearch_SOURCES) \ Collapse.cpp \ gsscan.cpp \ gsgram.cpp \ gsscan.lpp \ gsgram.ypp