/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* | | | MacsBug_set.c | | | | MacsBug SET/SHOW Option Processing | | | | Ira L. Ruben | | Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 2000-2006 | | | *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* This file contains all the routines assoicated with the handling of the MacsBug options */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MacsBug.h" /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int ditto = 0; /* ditto dup memory displays */ int unmangle = 0; /* unmanged names in disassembly */ int echo_commands = 0; /* echo command lines to the history */ int wrap_lines = 1; /* wrap history lines */ int show_so_si_src = 1; /* show source with so/si commands */ int dx_state = 1; /* breakpoints enabled state */ int sidebar_state = 1; /* display reg sidebar in scroll mode */ int show_selectors = 1; /* display objc selectors at pc */ int comment_insns = 0; /* comment selected instructions */ int tab_value = DEFAULT_TAB_VALUE; /* history display tab value */ int pc_area_lines = DEFAULT_PC_LINES; /* user controlled pc area max lines */ int cmd_area_lines = DEFAULT_CMD_LINES; /* user controlled cmd area max lines */ int max_history = DEFAULT_HISTORY_SIZE; /* max nbr of lines of history recorded */ int hexdump_width = DEFAULT_HEXDUMP_WIDTH; /* hexdump line bytes per line */ int hexdump_group = DEFAULT_HEXDUMP_GROUP; /* hexdump bytes per group */ int force_arch = 0; /* target_arch set to this or inferior */ int mb_testing = 0; /* set by SET mb_testing for debugging */ /* The following is what gets set by the SET option command before we get a chance to */ /* check each new setting. Since these are what we tell gdb to set it is these that */ /* gdb knows about and thus it is these that gdb uses for its SHOW command. So we need */ /* to make sure they are initialized to the proper values and left in a consistant */ /* state since we have no ide when a SHOW will be issued. Further the string values */ /* need to be malloc'ed space. */ /* The string values are set as on | off | show | now. We initalize them as "enabled" */ /* or "disabled" as appropriate. */ static char *ditto_args; static char *unmangle_args; static char *echo_args; static char *wrap_args; static char *sosi_args; static char *dx_args; static char *sidebar_args; static char *selector_args; static char *insns_args; static int new_tab_value = DEFAULT_TAB_VALUE; static int new_pc_area_lines = DEFAULT_PC_LINES; static int new_cmd_area_lines = DEFAULT_CMD_LINES; static int new_max_history = DEFAULT_HISTORY_SIZE; static int new_hexdump_width = DEFAULT_HEXDUMP_WIDTH; static int new_hexdump_group = DEFAULT_HEXDUMP_GROUP; static int new_testing; static char *new_arch; static char prev_arch[20]; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------* | check_all_sets - check all SET operations for SET PROMPT | *----------------------------------------------------------* This is a generic SET command filter to see if a SET PROMPT was done. If it was we change the gdb prompt string to the same prompt but prefixed with the cursor positioning needed to place it where we want it on the macsbug screen in the command line area. We also check for SET unmangle and refresh the pc area of the macsbug screen so that any C++ symbols that happen to be showing there reflect the current unmangle setting. We can't do anything however about the history area. It is after all, history! */ static void check_all_sets(char *theSetting, Gdb_Set_Type type, void *value, int show, int confirm) { if (macsbug_screen && theSetting) { if (!doing_set_prompt && gdb_strcmpl(theSetting, "prompt") && type == Set_String) update_macsbug_prompt(); if (gdb_strcmpl(theSetting, "unmangle")) force_pc_area_update(); } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------------------------------* | macsbug_set - handle MacsBug SET options | *------------------------------------------* Common routine used by both mset() and all macsbug options that accept settings of the form: [m]set setting [on | off | now | show] The parameters to this function are: cmd "set" | "mset" | "dx" arg "" | on | off | now | show value pointer to int switch to be set according to option meaning string to prefix "is [still] {en|dis}abled" messages confirm 1 if SET/SHOW is entered from terminal and SET confirm on additional_stuff NULL or function to call to do additional stuff when state changes The prototype for this function is: additiona_stuff(int state, int confirm); As a standard gdb SET command the setting's arguments are handled as a arbitrary string to allow us to handle the case when no options are specified. I'd like to use the enum form but that requires a argument. */ static void macsbug_set(char *cmd, char **arg, int *value, char *meaning, int confirm, void (*additional_stuff)(int state, int confirm)) { int argc, err = 0; char *argv[4], tmpCmdLine[1024]; static char *options[] = {"ON", "OFF", "NOW", "SHOW", NULL}; gdb_setup_argv(safe_strcpy(tmpCmdLine, *arg), cmd, &argc, argv, 3); if (argc == 1) { if (*value) { *value = 0; if (additional_stuff) additional_stuff(0, confirm); if (confirm) gdb_printf("%s is disabled.\n", meaning); } else { *value = 1; if (additional_stuff) additional_stuff(1, confirm); if (confirm) gdb_printf("%s is enabled.\n", meaning); } } else if (argc == 2) { switch (gdb_keyword(argv[1], options)) { case 0: /* on */ if (*value) { if (confirm) gdb_printf("%s is still enabled.\n", meaning); } else { *value = 1; if (additional_stuff) additional_stuff(1, confirm); if (confirm) gdb_printf("%s is enabled.\n", meaning); } break; case 1: /* off */ if (*value) { *value = 0; if (additional_stuff) additional_stuff(0, confirm); if (confirm) gdb_printf("%s is disabled.\n", meaning); } else if (confirm) gdb_printf("%s is still disabled.\n", meaning); break; case 2: /* now */ case 3: /* show */ if (*value) gdb_printf("%s is still enabled.\n", meaning); else gdb_printf("%s is still disabled.\n", meaning); break; default: err = 1; } } else err = 1; gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 40); if (*value) if (*arg) *arg = strcpy((char *)gdb_realloc(*arg, 3), "on"); else *arg = strcpy((char *)gdb_malloc(3), "on"); else if (*arg) *arg = strcpy((char *)gdb_realloc(*arg, 4), "off"); else *arg = strcpy((char *)gdb_malloc(4), "off"); if (err) gdb_error("\"on\", \"off\", \"now\", or \"show\" expected."); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------* | update_pc_area - update pc-area for SETs that affect the display | *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void update_pc_area(int state, int confirm) { GDB_ADDRESS pc; gdb_get_register("$pc", &pc); fix_pc_area_if_necessary(pc); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------* | set_gdb_demangle - "additional stuff" to do for SET UNMANGLE | *--------------------------------------------------------------* We need to tell gdb what's going on too. */ static void set_gdb_demangle(int state, int confirm) { if (state) { gdb_execute_command("set print demangle on"); gdb_execute_command("set print asm-demangle on"); } else { gdb_execute_command("set print demangle off"); gdb_execute_command("set print asm-demangle off"); } update_pc_area(state, confirm); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* | mset args - MacsBug's SET commands retained for compatablity with older gdb script | *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* In the non-plugin version of the MacsBug commands MSET was created to allow setting of MacsBug-compatible options since we couldn't call it SET which is what MacsBug uses. So we'll continue to support MSET for compatibility with the older script. But we are no longer maintaining it for noew options. */ static void mset(char *arg, int from_tty) { int argc; char *set_args, *p, *argv[5], tmpCmdLine[1024]; static char *macsbug_set_keywords[] = {"DITTO", "UNMANGLE", NULL}; gdb_setup_argv(safe_strcpy(tmpCmdLine, arg), "mset", &argc, argv, 4); if (argc > 1) { if (argc == 2) p = ""; else if (argc == 3) p = argv[2]; else p = NULL; if (p) { if (gdb_strcmpl(argv[1], "ditto")) { if (ditto_args) gdb_free(ditto_args); ditto_args = strcpy((char *)gdb_malloc(strlen(arg)+1), p); macsbug_set("mset", &ditto_args, &ditto, "Ditto-display in memory dumps", from_tty, NULL); } else if (gdb_strcmpl(argv[1], "unmangle")) { if (unmangle_args) gdb_free(unmangle_args); unmangle_args = strcpy((char *)gdb_malloc(strlen(arg)+1), p); macsbug_set("mset", &unmangle_args, &unmangle, "Unmangling of symbols", from_tty, set_gdb_demangle); } else gdb_error("usage: MSET DITTO | UNMANGLE [ON | OFF | NOW | SHOW] (invalid arguments)"); } else gdb_error("usage: MSET DITTO | UNMANGLE [ON | OFF | NOW | SHOW] (invalid arguments)"); } gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 40); } #define MSET_HELP \ "MSET option [ON|OFF|NOW|SHOW] -- Change the specified gdb MacsBug behavior.\n" \ "On/off options toggle if you don't specify ON or OFF. NOW or SHOW lets you check\n" \ "the setting without disturbing it. The options are:\n" \ "\n" \ " DITTO: When on, DM and DMA show ditto marks (''''''') instead of groups\n" \ " of identical lines.\n" \ "\n" \ " UNMANGLE: When on, C++ symbols appear as in source code, such as \"TFoo::Bar()\".\n"\ " When off, you'll see stuff like \"Bar__4TFooFv\" instead.\n" \ "\n" \ "SHOW is the same as NOW to display the current setting. It was added since gdb\n" \ "uses SHOW to show settings.\n" \ "\n" \ "Macsbug features not supported: The is the MacsBug SET command was changed to\n" \ " MSET since SET conflicts with the SET gdb command.\n" \ "\n" \ " Options AUTOGP, ECHO, MOUSE, MENUBAR, SCROLLPROMPT,\n" \ " SUSPENDPROMPT, and SIMPLIFIED not supported.\n" \ "\n" \ "This command is depricated. Use SET. Type \"help set\" to see a list of all gdb\n" \ "SET options. The MacsBug options all begin with \"mb-\" although it is optional\n" \ "with \"ditto\" and \"unmangle\" for compatibility with MSET." /*-------------------------------------------------------------* | control_breakpoints - "additional stuff" to do for (SET) DX | *-------------------------------------------------------------* We need to tell gdb what's going on too. */ static void control_breakpoints(int state, int confirm) { if (state) gdb_execute_command("enable breakpoints"); else gdb_execute_command("disable breakpoints"); } /*---------------------------------------------------* | dx on | off | now - enable or disable breakpoints | *---------------------------------------------------*/ static void dx(char *arg, int confirm) { if (dx_args) gdb_free(dx_args); if (arg) dx_args = strcpy((char *)gdb_malloc(strlen(arg)+1), arg); else dx_args = strcpy((char *)gdb_malloc(1), ""); macsbug_set("dx", &dx_args, &dx_state, "Breakpoints", confirm, control_breakpoints); gdb_set_int("$__lastcmd__", 39); } #define DX_HELP \ "DX [ON | OFF | NOW | SHOW] -- Temporarily enable/disable/toggle breakpoints.\n" \ "The setting is toggled when there is no argument.\n" \ "\n" \ "SHOW is the same as NOW to display the current setting. It was added\n" \ "since gdb uses SHOW to show settings." /*-----------------------------------------------* | set_XXXXX - SET XXXXX [on | off | now | show] | *-----------------------------------------------* All options of this form are functions defined by the macro below. The macro parameters have the following meanings: funct_name the name of the function we are to define sw_name the global switch to be set (an int) sw_value the string value (on | off | now | show) help the SET/SHOW help info confirm 1 if SET/SHOW is entered from terminal and SET confirm on additional_stuff NULL or a function to be called when the switch state changes */ #define SET_ON_OFF_NOW(funct_name, sw_name, sw_value, help, additional_stuff) \ static void funct_name(char *theSetting, Gdb_Set_Type type, void *value, int show, \ int confirm) \ { \ macsbug_set("set", &sw_value, &sw_name, help, confirm, additional_stuff); \ } SET_ON_OFF_NOW(set_ditto, ditto, ditto_args, "Ditto-display in memory dumps", NULL); SET_ON_OFF_NOW(set_unmangle, unmangle, unmangle_args, "Unmangling of symbols", set_gdb_demangle); SET_ON_OFF_NOW(set_echo, echo_commands, echo_args, "Echoing command lines to history", NULL); SET_ON_OFF_NOW(set_wrap, wrap_lines, wrap_args, "Wrapping history lines", NULL); SET_ON_OFF_NOW(set_so_si_source, show_so_si_src, sosi_args, "Source with SO/SI", NULL); SET_ON_OFF_NOW(set_dx, dx_state, dx_args, "Breakpoints", control_breakpoints); SET_ON_OFF_NOW(set_sidebar, sidebar_state, sidebar_args, "Displaying register side-bar", NULL); SET_ON_OFF_NOW(set_objc_selectors,show_selectors, selector_args,"Showing Objective C selector at PC", update_pc_area); SET_ON_OFF_NOW(set_comment_insns,comment_insns, insns_args, "Showing comments for selected instructions", update_pc_area); #define DITTO_DESCRIPTION "Set ditto marks for DM and DMA repeated lines." #define UNMANGLE_DESCRIPTION "Set C++ symbol unmangling." #define ECHO_DESCRIPTION "Set echoing commands to history area." #define WRAP_DESCRIPTION "Set line wrapping (history area or non-MacsBug screen asm code)." #define SOSI_DESCRIPTION "Set source display with SO/SI." #define DX_DESCRIPTION "Set stopping on breakpoints." #define SIDEBAR_DESCRIPTION "Set displaying register side-bar (for ID, IL, IP, SO, SI)." #define SELECTOR_DESCRIPTION "Set displaying of Objective C selector at PC in disassemblies." #define INSNS_DESCRIPTION "Set adding comments to selected instructions.\n" \ "THIS COMMAND IS STILL EXPERIMENTAL! Use at your own risk." /*------------------------------------------------------------------------* | set_tab - SET mb-tab | *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void set_tab(char *theSetting, Gdb_Set_Type type, void *value, int show, int confirm) { if (new_tab_value < 0 | new_tab_value > 20) gdb_error("invalid tab value (must be 0 to 20)"); else tab_value = new_tab_value; } #define TAB_DESCRIPTION "Set history area source line tab interpretation." /*--------------------------------------------------------* | set_pc_area = SET mb-pc-area | *--------------------------------------------------------*/ static void set_pc_area(char *theSetting, Gdb_Set_Type type, void *value, int show, int confirm) { if (new_pc_area_lines < MIN_PC_LINES || new_pc_area_lines > MAX_PC_LINES) gdb_error("screen pc area must be %d to %d lines long", MIN_PC_LINES, MAX_PC_LINES); else { pc_area_lines = new_pc_area_lines; if (macsbug_screen) refresh(NULL, 0); else define_macsbug_screen_positions(pc_area_lines, cmd_area_lines); } } #define PC_AREA_DESCRIPTION "Set number of lines in pc area." /*---------------------------------------------------------------* | set_cmd_area = SET mb-cmd-area | *---------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void set_cmd_area(char *theSetting, Gdb_Set_Type type, void *value, int show, int confirm) { if (new_cmd_area_lines < MIN_PC_LINES || new_cmd_area_lines > MAX_PC_LINES) gdb_error("screen command linearea must be %d to %d lines long", MIN_CMD_LINES, MAX_CMD_LINES); else { cmd_area_lines = new_cmd_area_lines; if (macsbug_screen) refresh(NULL, 0); else define_macsbug_screen_positions(pc_area_lines, cmd_area_lines); } } #define CMD_AREA_DESCRIPTION "Set number of lines in command line area." /*--------------------------------------------------------------* | set_history_size - SET mb-history | *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void set_history_size(char *theSetting, Gdb_Set_Type type, void *value, int show, int confirm) { get_screen_size(&max_rows, &max_cols); if (new_max_history < max_rows) gdb_error("the history size cannot be set smaller than the number of lines in the history area"); else { if (macsbug_screen && new_max_history < max_history) forget_some_history(new_max_history); max_history = new_max_history; } } #define HISTORY_DESCRIPTION "Set number of remembered history lines." /*-------------------------------------------------------------------* | set_hexdump_width - SET mb-hexdump-width | *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void set_hexdump_width(char *theSetting, Gdb_Set_Type type, void *value, int show, int confirm) { if (new_hexdump_width < 1 || new_hexdump_width >= 1024) gdb_error("invalid value"); else if (new_hexdump_width % hexdump_group != 0) gdb_error("hexdump width must be a multiple of the group value"); else hexdump_width = new_hexdump_width; } #define HEXDUMP_WIDTH_DESCRIPTION "Set hexdump number of bytes per line." /*-----------------------------------------------------------------* | set_hexdump_group - SET mb-hexdump-group | *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void set_hexdump_group(char *theSetting, Gdb_Set_Type type, void *value, int show, int confirm) { if (new_hexdump_group < 1 || new_hexdump_group >= 1024) gdb_error("invalid value"); else if (hexdump_width % new_hexdump_group != 0) gdb_error("hexdump width must be a multiple of the group value"); else hexdump_group = new_hexdump_group; } #define HEXDUMP_GROUP_DESCRIPTION "Set number of bytes grouped together without intervening spaces." /*----------------------------------* | set_arch - SET mb-arch [32 | 64] | *----------------------------------*/ static void set_arch(char *theSetting, Gdb_Set_Type type, void *value, int show, int confirm) { static int len = sizeof(DEFAULT_TARGET_ARCH) + 1; if (new_arch && *new_arch) if (strcmp(new_arch, "32") == 0) { target_arch = force_arch = 4; need_CurApName = 1; if (macsbug_screen && strcmp(prev_arch, new_arch) != 0) refresh(NULL, 0); else define_macsbug_screen_positions(pc_area_lines, cmd_area_lines); strcpy(prev_arch, new_arch); gdb_printf("Display architecture always assumes 32-bit.\n"); } else if (strcmp(new_arch, "64") == 0) { target_arch = force_arch = 8; need_CurApName = 1; if (macsbug_screen && strcmp(prev_arch, new_arch) != 0) refresh(NULL, 0); else define_macsbug_screen_positions(pc_area_lines, cmd_area_lines); strcpy(prev_arch, new_arch); gdb_printf("Display architecture always assumes 64-bit.\n"); } else { new_arch = (char *)gdb_realloc(new_arch, strlen(prev_arch) + 1); strcpy(new_arch, prev_arch); gdb_error("invalid value - 32, or 64, or no value (for default) is expected"); } else { new_arch = new_arch ? (char *)gdb_realloc(new_arch, len) : (char *)gdb_malloc(len); force_arch = 0; target_arch = gdb_target_arch(); strcpy(new_arch, DEFAULT_TARGET_ARCH); need_CurApName = 1; if (macsbug_screen && strcmp(prev_arch, new_arch) != 0) refresh(NULL, 0); else define_macsbug_screen_positions(pc_area_lines, cmd_area_lines); strcpy(prev_arch, new_arch); gdb_printf("Display architecture is set according to inferior.\n"); } } #define SET_ARCH_DESCRIPTION "Set display for architecture, i.e., 32, 64, or inferior's (default)." /*-----------------------------------------------------* | set_mb_testing - internal switch to control testing | *-----------------------------------------------------*/ static void set_mb_testing(char *theSetting, Gdb_Set_Type type, void *value, int show, int confirm) { switch (new_testing) { case 0: mb_testing = 0; break; default: gdb_error("Invalid value."); break; } } #define TESTING_DESCRIPTION "Private debugging value."; /*----------------------------------------------------* | init_macsbug_set - MacsBug SET/SHOW initialization | *----------------------------------------------------*/ void init_macsbug_set(void) { MACSBUG_COMMAND(dx, DX_HELP); //MACSBUG_COMMAND(mset, MSET_HELP); gdb_define_cmd("mset", mset, Gdb_Support, MSET_HELP); gdb_define_set_generic(check_all_sets); gdb_define_set("ditto", set_ditto, Set_String, &ditto_args, 0, DITTO_DESCRIPTION); gdb_define_set("unmangle", set_unmangle, Set_String, &unmangle_args, 0, UNMANGLE_DESCRIPTION); gdb_define_set("dx", set_dx, Set_String, &dx_args, 0, DX_DESCRIPTION); gdb_define_set("mb-ditto", set_ditto, Set_String, &ditto_args, 0, DITTO_DESCRIPTION); gdb_define_set("mb-unmangle", set_unmangle, Set_String, &unmangle_args, 0, UNMANGLE_DESCRIPTION); gdb_define_set("mb-echo", set_echo, Set_String, &echo_args, 0, ECHO_DESCRIPTION); gdb_define_set("mb-wrap", set_wrap, Set_String, &wrap_args, 0, WRAP_DESCRIPTION); gdb_define_set("mb-so-si-source", set_so_si_source, Set_String, &sosi_args, 0, SOSI_DESCRIPTION); gdb_define_set("mb-dx", set_dx, Set_String, &dx_args, 0, DX_DESCRIPTION); gdb_define_set("mb-sidebar", set_sidebar, Set_String, &sidebar_args, 0, SIDEBAR_DESCRIPTION); gdb_define_set("mb-objc-selectors",set_objc_selectors,Set_String, &selector_args, 0, SELECTOR_DESCRIPTION); #ifndef not_ready_for_prime_time_but_keep_enabled_for_private_testing gdb_define_set("mb-comment-insns" ,set_comment_insns, Set_String, &insns_args, 0, INSNS_DESCRIPTION); #endif gdb_define_set("mb-tab", set_tab, Set_Int, &new_tab_value, 0, TAB_DESCRIPTION); gdb_define_set("mb-pc-area", set_pc_area, Set_Int, &new_pc_area_lines, 0, PC_AREA_DESCRIPTION); gdb_define_set("mb-cmd-area", set_cmd_area, Set_Int, &new_cmd_area_lines, 0, CMD_AREA_DESCRIPTION); gdb_define_set("mb-history", set_history_size, Set_Int, &new_max_history, 0, HISTORY_DESCRIPTION); gdb_define_set("mb-hexdump-width",set_hexdump_width,Set_Int, &new_hexdump_width, 0, HEXDUMP_WIDTH_DESCRIPTION); gdb_define_set("mb-hexdump-group",set_hexdump_group,Set_Int, &new_hexdump_group, 0, HEXDUMP_GROUP_DESCRIPTION); gdb_define_set("mb-arch", set_arch, Set_String, &new_arch, 0, SET_ARCH_DESCRIPTION); //gdb_define_set("mb-testing", set_mb_testing, Set_Int, &new_testing, 0, TESTING_DESCRIPTION); /* Init the string values for the SHOW command. It has to be malloc'ed space. From */ /* this point on we'll maintain them as the values changed. */ #define INIT_ENABLED_DISABLED(x, y) if (y) \ x = strcpy((char *)gdb_malloc(3), "on"); \ else \ x = strcpy((char *)gdb_malloc(4), "off"); INIT_ENABLED_DISABLED(ditto_args, ditto); INIT_ENABLED_DISABLED(unmangle_args, unmangle); INIT_ENABLED_DISABLED(echo_args, echo_commands); INIT_ENABLED_DISABLED(wrap_args, wrap_lines); INIT_ENABLED_DISABLED(sosi_args, show_so_si_src); INIT_ENABLED_DISABLED(dx_args, dx_state); INIT_ENABLED_DISABLED(sidebar_args, sidebar_state); INIT_ENABLED_DISABLED(selector_args, show_selectors); INIT_ENABLED_DISABLED(insns_args, comment_insns); new_arch = strcpy((char *)gdb_malloc(sizeof(DEFAULT_TARGET_ARCH) + 1), DEFAULT_TARGET_ARCH); strcpy(prev_arch, new_arch); }