TCLVERSION = 8.0 EXPVERSION = 5.25 TCLROOT = ../../tcl$(TCLVERSION) # Tcl include files. (If you haven't installed Tcl yet, read the README file). # This must point to the directory that contains ALL of Tcl's include # files, not just the public ones. TCLHDIR = $(TCLROOT)/generic # TCL library. Very little actually comes out of it, but it is handy. TCLLIB = $(TCLROOT)/unix/libtcl$(TCLVERSION).so # if installed, you can use: # TCLLIB = -ltcl CC = gcc CPLUSPLUS = g++ CPLUSPLUSLIBDIR = -L/depot/gnu/arch/lib CPLUSPLUSLIB = -lg++ CFLAGS = -g -I.. -I$(TCLHDIR) LIBEXPECT = -L.. -lexpect$(EXPVERSION) LIBS = $(LIBEXPECT) $(TCLLIB) -lm SCRIPTS = su2 noidle script.exp bonfield.exp all: chesslib chesslib2 chesslib++ # this can be compiled with either cc or gcc chesslib: chesslib.o $(CC) -g -o chesslib chesslib.o $(LIBS) # this can be compiled with either cc or gcc chesslib2: chesslib2.o $(CC) -g -o chesslib2 chesslib2.o $(LIBS) # this is compiled with c++ chesslib++: chesslib++.o $(CPLUSPLUS) -g -o chesslib++ chesslib++.o $(LIBS) \ $(CPLUSPLUSLIBDIR) $(CPLUSPLUSLIB) chesslib++.o: chesslib++.c $(CPLUSPLUS) -c $(CFLAGS) chesslib++.c unbuffer-standalone: unbuffer.o $(CC) -g -o unbuffer-standalone unbuffer.o $(LIBS) printvars: printvars.o $(CC) -o printvars printvars.o $(LIBS) ftplib: ftplib.o $(CC) -g -o ftplib ftplib.o $(LIBS) match_max: match_max.o $(CC) -g -o match_max match_max.o $(LIBS) jaj1: jaj1.o $(CC) -g -o jaj1 jaj1.o $(LIBS) jaj2: jaj2.o $(CC) -g -o jaj2 jaj2.o $(LIBS) # wrap up password-generation examples passgen: shar passgen.README tkpasswd mkpasswd > /tmp/passgen cleanup: rm -f expect devtty exho dumb test.raw test.results test.tmp # copy some contributed scripts over to public-accessible directory SCRIPTDIR = ~ftp/pub/expect/scripts ftp: rcp README.scripts durer:$(SCRIPTDIR)/README rcp $(SCRIPTS) durer:$(SCRIPTDIR) rsh durer ls -l $(SCRIPTDIR)