WebInspector.localizedStrings = { "%.2fKB": "%.2fKB", "%d × %d": "%1$d × %2$d", "%s (line %d)": "%s (line %d)", "(text)": "(text)", "(whitespace)": "(whitespace)", "An error occurred trying to\nread the “%s” table.": "An error occurred trying to\nread the “%s” table.", "An unexpected error %s occured.": "An unexpected error %s occured.", "Browse": "Browse", "Clear": "Clear", "Computed Style": "Computed Style", "Console": "Console", "DOM": "DOM", "Database no longer has expected version.": "Database no longer has expected version.", "Dimensions": "Dimensions", "File size": "File size", "Inline Style Attribute": "Inline Style Attribute", "MIME type": "MIME type", "Metrics": "Metrics", "Network": "Network", "Properties": "Properties", "Prototype": "Prototype", "Query": "Query", "Reload": "Reload", "Request": "Request", "Resource interpreted as %s but transferred with MIME type %s.": "Resource interpreted as %1$@ but transferred with MIME type %2$@.", "Response": "Response", "Search": "Search", "Show inherited properties": "Show inherited properties", "Show next panel.": "Show next panel.", "Show previous panel.": "Show previous panel.", "Source": "Source", "Styles": "Styles", "The “%s”\ntable is empty.": "The “%s”\ntable is empty.", "Total Size": "Total Size", "Total Time": "Total Time", "Transfer Size": "Transfer Size", "Transfer Time": "Transfer Time", "You could save bandwidth by having your web server compress this transfer with gzip or zlib.": "You could save bandwidth by having your web server compress this transfer with gzip or zlib.", "databases": "databases", "document": "document", "documents": "documents", "element’s “%s” attribute": "element’s “%s” attribute", "font": "font", "fonts": "fonts", "image": "image", "images": "images", "inline stylesheet": "inline stylesheet", "other": "other", "script": "script", "scripts": "scripts", "stylesheet": "stylesheet", "stylesheets": "stylesheets", "user agent stylesheet": "user agent stylesheet", };