/*! * @header KXKextManager * KXKextManager maintains a database of kernel extensions (kexts), * allowing kexts to be retrieved by their filesystem location, * CFBundleIdentifier, and other attributes. If the current process * is running as the superuser, it can also use the kext manager to * load kernel extensions and to send I/O Kit personalities to the * kernel in order to trigger driver matching. * * KXKextManager organizes its kernel extensions in two ways. The * first is by collections of kexts, which are known as repositories. * The only kind of repository currently supported is a directory * in the filesystem containing kext bundles; others may be added * in the future. There are functions for adding and removing * repositories, which scan their directories for kernel extension * bundles, as well as functions for adding and removing * individual kernel extensions; the latter automatically add a * repository as needed, but this repository doesn't scan its directory * for other kernel extensions. * * The second way that KXKextManager organizes extensions spans all * of the known repositories, collecting kexts into a dictionary * keyed by CFBundleIdentifier. This allows any kext to be found for * a given identifier. If there are multiple bundles for a given * identifier, the first kext under the identifier has accessor * functions for the next prior version and for any duplicate versions. * * other settings: safeboot, loadintask, performtests, logLevel, userInput * * heading: using kextmanager to load kexts * heading: using kextmanager to inspect & manage kexts */ #ifndef __KXKEXTMANAGER_H__ #define __KXKEXTMANAGER_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /******************************************************************************* * *******************************************************************************/ #include typedef struct __KXKextManager * KXKextManagerRef; typedef enum { kKXKextManagerErrorNone = 0, // General errors kKXKextManagerErrorUnspecified, kKXKextManagerErrorInvalidArgument, kKXKextManagerErrorNoMemory, kKXKextManagerErrorFileAccess, kKXKextManagerErrorNotADirectory, kKXKextManagerErrorDiskFull, kKXKextManagerErrorSerialization, kKXKextManagerErrorCompression, kKXKextManagerErrorIPC, kKXKextManagerErrorChildTask, kKXKextManagerErrorUserAbort, // Kernel access errors kKXKextManagerErrorKernelError, kKXKextManagerErrorKernelResource, kKXKextManagerErrorKernelPermission, // Kext cache error kKXKextManagerErrorCache, // Kext validity/eligibility errors kKXKextManagerErrorKextNotFound, kKXKextManagerErrorURLNotInRepository, kKXKextManagerErrorNotABundle, // check kext for specifics kKXKextManagerErrorNotAKext, // no ".kext" extension, type not "KEXT" kKXKextManagerErrorValidation, // check kext for specifics kKXKextManagerErrorBootLevel, // ineligible during safe boot kKXKextManagerErrorDisabled, // Dependency resolution and other load-time errors // These may be triggered by a dependency of the kext being loaded kKXKextManagerErrorAuthentication, // check kext(s) for specifics kKXKextManagerErrorDependency, // check kext(s) for specifics kKXKextManagerErrorDependencyLoop, // potential loop kKXKextManagerErrorLoadExecutableBad, // not a kmod kKXKextManagerErrorLoadExecutableNoArch, // has no arch for this computer kKXKextManagerErrorAlreadyLoaded, kKXKextManagerErrorLoadedVersionDiffers, // kext itself kKXKextManagerErrorDependencyLoadedVersionDiffers, // kext dependency kKXKextManagerErrorLinkLoad, // kKXKextManagerErrorKextHasNoReceipt, kKXKextManagerErrorKextIsModified } KXKextManagerError; typedef enum { kKXKextManagerLogLevelSilent = -2, // no notices, no errors kKXKextManagerLogLevelErrorsOnly = -1, kKXKextManagerLogLevelDefault = 0, kKXKextManagerLogLevelBasic = 1, kKXKextManagerLogLevelLoadBasic = 2, kKXKextManagerLogLevelDetails = 3, kKXKextManagerLogLevelKexts = 4, kKXKextManagerLogLevelKextDetails = 5, kKXKextManagerLogLevelLoadDetails = 6 } KXKextManagerLogLevel; #include "KXKext.h" #include "KXKextRepository.h" #define kKXSystemExtensionsFolder (CFSTR("/System/Library/Extensions")) #define kKXKextRepositoryCacheExtension (CFSTR("kextcache")) CFStringRef KXKextManagerErrorStringForError(KXKextManagerError error); const char * KXKextManagerErrorStaticCStringForError(KXKextManagerError error); // FIXME: Add API for adding the standard Extensions folder to the manager. // FIXME: Add API for emitting debug symbols on load. CFTypeID KXKextManagerGetTypeID(void); KXKextManagerRef KXKextManagerCreate(CFAllocatorRef alloc); KXKextManagerError KXKextManagerInit( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, Boolean loadInTaskFlag, Boolean safeBootFlag); // log level 0 (none, default) to 6 (a whole lot!) void KXKextManagerSetLogLevel( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, SInt32 level); SInt32 KXKextManagerGetLogLevel( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager); void KXKextManagerSetLogFunction( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, void (*func)(const char * format, ...)); void KXKextManagerSetErrorLogFunction( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, void (*func)(const char * format, ...)); void KXKextManagerSetUserApproveFunction( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, int (*func)(int defaultAnswer, const char * format, ...)); void KXKextManagerSetUserVetoFunction( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, int (*func)(int defaultAnswer, const char * format, ...)); void KXKextManagerSetUserInputFunction( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, const char * (*func)(const char * format, ...)); Boolean KXKextManagerGetSafeBootMode(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager); void KXKextManagerSetSafeBootMode(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, Boolean flag); Boolean KXKextManagerGetPerformLoadsInTask(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager); void KXKextManagerSetPerformLoadsInTask(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, Boolean flag); // Set this before adding any repositories or kexts. Boolean KXKextManagerPerformsFullTests(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager); void KXKextManagerSetPerformsFullTests(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, Boolean flag); // Set this before adding any repositories or kexts. Boolean KXKextManagerWillUpdateCatalog(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager); void KXKextManagerSetWillUpdateCatalog(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, Boolean flag); KXKextManagerError KXKextManagerSendAllKextPersonalitiesToCatalog( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager); /***** * Adding or removing a repository invalidates all calculated * relationship info among currently known kexts. This info * must be recalculated using KXKextManagerCalculateVersionRelationships() * before you can do any further work with the kext manager. */ KXKextManagerError KXKextManagerAddRepositoryDirectory( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, CFURLRef directoryURL, Boolean scanForKexts, Boolean useCache, KXKextRepositoryRef * theRepository); // out param void KXKextManagerRemoveRepositoryDirectory( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, CFURLRef directoryURL); CFArrayRef KXKextManagerGetRepositories(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager); KXKextRepositoryRef KXKextManagerGetRepositoryForDirectory( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, CFURLRef aDirectory); void KXKextManagerResetAllRepositories(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager); // Both of the functions below cause a ClearRelationships of all kexts // if a kext is added or removed! // Finds or creates repository for given kext URL and adds kext // to that repository if necessary. KXKextManagerError KXKextManagerAddKextWithURL( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, CFURLRef kextURL, Boolean includePlugins, KXKextRef * theKext); // out param void KXKextManagerRemoveKext( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, KXKextRef aKext); // Rebuilds kext from disk. Causes a ClearRelationships of all kexts! // FIXME: Does this f'n belong in KXKextRepository, in KXKext, or even in // FIXME: ... KXKextManager? KXKextManagerError KXKextManagerRescanKext( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, KXKextRef aKext, // INVALID after this call unless retained; even then not in mgr any more Boolean scanForPlugins, KXKextRef * rescannedKext); // the newly rescanned kext void KXKextManagerDisqualifyKext(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, KXKextRef aKext); void KXKextManagerRequalifyKext(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, KXKextRef aKext); // Builds arrays & linked lists of loadable kexts and personalities, // and resolves dependencies. void KXKextManagerCalculateVersionRelationships(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager); void KXKextManagerResolveAllKextDependencies(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager); // Clears all current/dependency info in kexts and rebuilds dictionary // of loadable kexts and personalities to reflect possible new or removed // versions of kexts. A repository must invoke this whenever a kext is // added or removed. void KXKextManagerClearRelationships(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager); void KXKextManagerEnableClearRelationships(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager); void KXKextManagerDisableClearRelationships(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager); KXKextRepositoryRef KXKextManagerGetRepositoryWithURL( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, CFURLRef anURL); KXKextRepositoryRef KXKextManagerGetRepositoryForKextWithURL( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, CFURLRef anURL); KXKextRef KXKextManagerGetKextWithURL( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, CFURLRef anURL); KXKextRef KXKextManagerGetKextWithIdentifier(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, CFStringRef identifier); KXKextRef KXKextManagerGetLoadedOrLatestKextWithIdentifier( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, CFStringRef identifier); KXKextRef KXKextManagerGetKextWithIdentifierAndVersionString( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, CFStringRef identifier, CFStringRef versionString); // If a kext compatible with the requested version is already loaded, // that is given preference over any later compatible versions, in // order to prevent unneccessarily loading lots of different versions // of a kext. KXKextRef KXKextManagerGetKextWithIdentifierCompatibleWithVersionString( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, CFStringRef identifier, CFStringRef versionString); CFArrayRef KXKextManagerCopyKextsWithIdentifier(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, CFStringRef identifier); // Creates an array of all known kexts, valid or not. Useful for kext // manager utilities to display all installed kexts. CFArrayRef KXKextManagerCopyAllKexts(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager); CFArrayRef KXKextManagerGetKextsWithMissingDependencies( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager); CFArrayRef KXKextManagerCopyAllKextPersonalities( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager); /***** * Normally the manager only authenticates during a load request. These * functions perform authentication on all kexts, or mark them all * authentic in order to bypass the checks (such as when testing a * driver during development). */ void KXKextManagerAuthenticateKexts(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager); void KXKextManagerMarkKextsAuthentic(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager); Boolean KXKextManagerPerformsStrictAuthentication( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager); void KXKextManagerSetPerformsStrictAuthentication( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, Boolean flag); void KXKextManagerVerifyIntegrityOfAllKexts(KXKextManagerRef aKextManager); /******************************************************************************* * any load request blows away all existing dependency info in * order to calculate the most up-to-date dependency info available *******************************************************************************/ KXKextManagerError KXKextManagerCheckForLoadedKexts( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager); KXKextManagerError KXKextManagerLoadKext( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, KXKextRef aKext); KXKextManagerError KXKextManagerLoadKextWithIdentifier( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, CFStringRef identifier); KXKextManagerError KXKextManagerLoadKextUsingOptions( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, KXKextRef aKext, const char * kext_name, const char * kernel_file, const char * patch_dir, const char * symbol_dir, Boolean check_loaded_for_dependencies, Boolean do_load, Boolean do_start_kext, int interactive_level, // confirm each step of load with user Boolean ask_overwrite_symbols, // used for overwriting symbol/patch files Boolean overwrite_symbols, // used for overwriting symbol/patch files Boolean get_addrs_from_kernel, unsigned int num_addresses, // lack of final 2 args causes request // for user input if (symbol_dir && !do_load) char ** addresses); KXKextManagerError KXKextManagerSendKextPersonalitiesToCatalog( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, KXKextRef aKext, CFArrayRef personalityNames /* optional */, Boolean interactive, Boolean safeBoot); KXKextManagerError KXKextManagerSendPersonalitiesToCatalog( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, CFArrayRef personalities); void KXKextManagerRemoveKextPersonalitiesFromCatalog( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, KXKextRef aKext); KXKextManagerError KXKextManagerRemovePersonalitiesFromCatalog( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, CFDictionaryRef matchingPersonality); /******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************** *******************************************************************************/ #if 0 // Used by client code to retrieve kexts by various criteria. // // Used to handle kernel requests for personalities. CFArrayRef KXKextManagerCopyPersonalitiesForClassMatch( KXKextManagerRef aKextManager, CFStringRef classMatchString); #endif 0 #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif __KXKEXTMANAGER_H__