## # Wrapper makefile for ICU # Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # # See http://www.gnu.org/manual/make/html_chapter/make_toc.html#SEC_Contents # for documentation on makefiles. Most of this was culled from the ncurses makefile. # ## ################################# ################################# # MAKE VARS ################################# ################################# # ':=' denotes a "simply expanded" variable. It's value is # set at the time of definition and it never recursively expands # when used. This is in contrast to using '=' which denotes a # recursively expanded variable. SHELL := /bin/sh # Sane defaults, which are typically overridden on the command line. WINDOWS=NO LINUX=NO ARCH64=NO SRCROOT=$(shell pwd) OBJROOT=$(SRCROOT)/build DSTROOT=$(OBJROOT) SYMROOT=$(OBJROOT) CROSSHOST_OBJROOT=$(OBJROOT)/crossbuildhost APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR=/AppleInternal RC_ARCHS= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=1060 OSX_HOST_VERSION_MIN_STRING=10.7 IOS_VERSION_TARGET_STRING=6.0 OSX_VERSION_TARGET_STRING=10.8 UNAME_PROCESSOR=$(shell uname -p) ifneq "$(RC_ARCHS)" "" ifneq "$(SDKROOT)" "" CROSS_BUILD=YES else ifeq "$(RC_INDIGO)" "YES" CROSS_BUILD=YES else CROSS_BUILD=NO endif INSTALLHDRS_ARCH=-arch $(shell echo $(RC_ARCHS) | cut -d' ' -f1) else CROSS_BUILD=NO INSTALLHDRS_ARCH= endif $(info # RC_ARCHS=$(RC_ARCHS)) $(info # INSTALLHDRS_ARCH=$(INSTALLHDRS_ARCH)) $(info # buildhost=$(UNAME_PROCESSOR)) # FORCEENDIAN below is to override silly configure behavior in which if # __APPLE_CC__ is defined and archs are in { ppc, ppc64, i386, x86_64 } # then it assumes a universal build (ac_cv_c_bigendian=universal) with # data file initially built big-endian. # ifeq "$(CROSS_BUILD)" "YES" RC_ARCHS_FIRST=$(shell echo $(RC_ARCHS) | cut -d' ' -f1) TARGET_SPEC=$(RC_ARCHS_FIRST)-apple-darwin10.0.0 ENV_CONFIGURE_ARCHS=$(RC_ARCHS:%=-arch %) ICUPKGTOOLIBS="$(CROSSHOST_OBJROOT)/lib:$(CROSSHOST_OBJROOT)/stubdata" ICUPKGTOOL=$(CROSSHOST_OBJROOT)/bin/icupkg ifeq "$(filter-out i386 x86_64,$(RC_ARCHS))" "" FORCEENDIAN= ac_cv_c_bigendian=no else FORCEENDIAN= endif else ifeq "$(LINUX)" "YES" TARGET_SPEC=$(UNAME_PROCESSOR)-unknown-linux-gnu ENV_CONFIGURE_ARCHS= ICUPKGTOOLIBS="$(OBJROOT)/lib:$(OBJROOT)/stubdata" ICUPKGTOOL=$(OBJROOT)/bin/icupkg FORCEENDIAN= else TARGET_SPEC=$(UNAME_PROCESSOR)-apple-darwin10.0.0 ENV_CONFIGURE_ARCHS= ICUPKGTOOLIBS="$(OBJROOT)/lib:$(OBJROOT)/stubdata" ICUPKGTOOL=$(OBJROOT)/bin/icupkg FORCEENDIAN= endif $(info # TARGET_SPEC=$(TARGET_SPEC)) $(info # ENV_CONFIGURE_ARCHS=$(ENV_CONFIGURE_ARCHS)) ifeq "$(RC_INDIGO)" "YES" -include $(DEVELOPER_DIR)/AppleInternal/Makefiles/Makefile.indigo ifndef SDKROOT SDKROOT=$(INDIGO_PREFIX) endif DEST_ROOT=$(DSTROOT)/$(INDIGO_PREFIX)/ else DEST_ROOT=$(DSTROOT) endif $(info # SDKROOT=$(SDKROOT)) $(info # RC_INDIGO=$(RC_INDIGO)) $(info # CROSS_BUILD=$(CROSS_BUILD)) $(info # DSTROOT=$(DSTROOT)) $(info # DEST_ROOT=$(DEST_ROOT)) ICU_TARGET_VERSION_FOR_TZ_EXTRA := ifeq "$(filter arm armv6 armv7 armv7s,$(RC_ARCHS))" "" THUMB_FLAG = ifneq "$(SDKROOT)" "" ICU_TARGET_VERSION_FOR_TZ_EXTRA := -mmacosx-version-min=$(OSX_HOST_VERSION_MIN_STRING) endif else THUMB_FLAG = -mthumb endif # even for a crossbuild host build, we want to use the target's tzdata export TZDATA:=$(lastword $(wildcard $(SDKROOT)/usr/local/share/tz/tzdata*.tar.gz)) $(info # TZDATA=$(TZDATA)) ifeq "$(WINDOWS)" "YES" EMBEDDED:=0 else ifeq "$(LINUX)" "YES" CC := gcc CXX := g++ EMBEDDED:=0 ISYSROOT = else ifeq "$(SDKROOT)" "" CC := $(shell xcrun -find cc) CXX := $(shell xcrun -find c++) NM := $(shell xcrun -find nm) STRIPCMD := $(shell xcrun -find strip) EMBEDDED:=$(shell $(CXX) -E -dM -x c -include TargetConditionals.h /dev/null | fgrep TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED | cut -d' ' -f3) ISYSROOT = else CC := $(shell xcrun -sdk $(SDKROOT) -find cc) CXX := $(shell xcrun -sdk $(SDKROOT) -find c++) NM := $(shell xcrun -sdk $(SDKROOT) -find nm) STRIPCMD := $(shell xcrun -sdk $(SDKROOT) -find strip) EMBEDDED:=$(shell $(CXX) -E -dM -x c -isysroot $(SDKROOT) -include TargetConditionals.h /dev/null | fgrep TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED | cut -d' ' -f3) ISYSROOT:= -isysroot $(SDKROOT) endif $(info # CC=$(CC)) $(info # CXX=$(CXX)) ifeq "$(EMBEDDED)" "1" export APPLE_EMBEDDED=YES DISABLE_DRAFT=YES else ifeq "$(RC_INDIGO)" "YES" export APPLE_EMBEDDED=YES DISABLE_DRAFT=YES else export APPLE_EMBEDDED=NO DISABLE_DRAFT=NO endif ifeq "$(APPLE_EMBEDDED)" "YES" ICU_TARGET_VERSION := -miphoneos-version-min=$(IOS_VERSION_TARGET_STRING) else ICU_TARGET_VERSION := endif $(info # ICU_TARGET_VERSION=$(ICU_TARGET_VERSION)) ifeq "$(DISABLE_DRAFT)" "YES" DRAFT_FLAG=--disable-draft else DRAFT_FLAG= endif ifndef RC_ProjectSourceVersion ifdef RC_PROJECTSOURCEVERSION RC_ProjectSourceVersion=$(RC_PROJECTSOURCEVERSION) endif endif # An Apple submission version (passed in RC_ProjectSourceVersion for official builds) is # X[.Y[.Z]] # where X is in range 0-214747, Y and Z are in range 0-99 (with no leading zeros). # The value for the SourceVersion property in version.plists will be calculated as # (X*10000 + Y*100 + Z). So we want U_ICU_VERSION_BUILDLEVEL_NUM to be Y*100 + Z ifneq "$(RC_ProjectSourceVersion)" "" ifeq "$(WINDOWS)" "YES" ICU_BUILD_Y := $(shell echo $(RC_ProjectSourceVersion) | sed -r -e 's/([0-9]+)(\.([0-9]{1,2})(\.([0-9])([0-9])?)?)?/\3/') ICU_BUILD_Z1 := $(shell echo $(RC_ProjectSourceVersion) | sed -r -e 's/([0-9]+)(\.([0-9]{1,2})(\.([0-9])([0-9])?)?)?/\5/') ICU_BUILD_Z2 := $(shell echo $(RC_ProjectSourceVersion) | sed -r -e 's/([0-9]+)(\.([0-9]{1,2})(\.([0-9])([0-9])?)?)?/\6/') else ICU_BUILD_Y := $(shell echo $(RC_ProjectSourceVersion) | sed -E -e 's/([0-9]+)(\.([0-9]{1,2})(\.([0-9])([0-9])?)?)?/\3/') ICU_BUILD_Z1 := $(shell echo $(RC_ProjectSourceVersion) | sed -E -e 's/([0-9]+)(\.([0-9]{1,2})(\.([0-9])([0-9])?)?)?/\5/') ICU_BUILD_Z2 := $(shell echo $(RC_ProjectSourceVersion) | sed -E -e 's/([0-9]+)(\.([0-9]{1,2})(\.([0-9])([0-9])?)?)?/\6/') endif ifeq "$(ICU_BUILD_Y)" "" ICU_BUILD := 0 else ICU_BUILD := $(subst a,$(ICU_BUILD_Y),abc) ifeq "$(ICU_BUILD_Z1)" "" ICU_BUILD := $(subst b,0,$(ICU_BUILD)) ICU_BUILD := $(subst c,0,$(ICU_BUILD)) else ifeq "$(ICU_BUILD_Z2)" "" ICU_BUILD := $(subst b,0,$(ICU_BUILD)) ICU_BUILD := $(subst c,$(ICU_BUILD_Z1),$(ICU_BUILD)) else ICU_BUILD := $(subst b,$(ICU_BUILD_Z1),$(ICU_BUILD)) ICU_BUILD := $(subst c,$(ICU_BUILD_Z2),$(ICU_BUILD)) endif endif endif else ICU_BUILD := 0 endif $(info # ICU_BUILD=$(ICU_BUILD)) # Disallow $(SRCROOT) == $(OBJROOT) ifeq ($(OBJROOT), $(SRCROOT)) $(error SRCROOT same as OBJROOT) endif # Disallow cross builds on Windows/Linux for now # (since those builds are not out-of-source as required for cross-builds) ifeq "$(CROSS_BUILD)" "YES" ifeq "$(WINDOWS)" "YES" $(error Cross-builds currently not allowed on Windows) endif ifeq "$(LINUX)" "YES" $(error Cross-builds currently not allowed on Linux) endif endif ################################# # Headers ################################# # For installhdrs. Not every compiled module has an associated header. Normally, # ICU installs headers as a sub-targe of the install target. But since we only want # certain libraries to install (and since we link all of our own .o modules), we need # invoke the headers targets ourselves. This may be problematic because there isn't a # good way to dist-clean afterwards...we need to do explicit dist-cleans, especially if # install the extra libraries. EXTRA_HDRS = # EXTRA_HDRS = ./extra/ustdio/ ./layout/ ifeq "$(APPLE_EMBEDDED)" "YES" HDR_MAKE_SUBDIR = ./common/ ./i18n/ $(EXTRA_HDRS) else ifeq "$(WINDOWS)" "YES" HDR_MAKE_SUBDIR = ./common/ ./i18n/ $(EXTRA_HDRS) else HDR_MAKE_SUBDIR = ./common/ ./i18n/ ./io/ $(EXTRA_HDRS) endif ifeq "$(WINDOWS)" "YES" PRIVATE_HDR_PREFIX=$(APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR) else ifeq "$(APPLE_EMBEDDED)" "YES" HDR_PREFIX=/usr PRIVATE_HDR_PREFIX=/usr/local else PRIVATE_HDR_PREFIX=/usr/local endif ################################# # Install ################################# # For install. We currently don't install EXTRA_LIBS. We also don't install the data # directly into the ICU library. It is now installed at /usr/share/icu/*.dat. Thus we # don't use DATA_OBJ anymore. This could change if we decide to move the data back into # the icucore monolithic library. INSTALL = /usr/bin/install COMMON_OBJ = ./common/*.o I18N_OBJ = ./i18n/*.o IO_OBJ = ./io/*.o STUB_DATA_OBJ = ./stubdata/*.o EXTRA_LIBS = #EXTRA_LIBS =./extra/ ./layout/ ./tools/ctestfw/ ./tools/toolutil/ #DATA_OBJ = ./data/out/build/*.o ifeq "$(APPLE_EMBEDDED)" "YES" DYLIB_OBJS=$(COMMON_OBJ) $(I18N_OBJ) $(STUB_DATA_OBJ) else ifeq "$(WINDOWS)" "YES" DYLIB_OBJS=$(COMMON_OBJ) ./common/common.res $(I18N_OBJ) $(STUB_DATA_OBJ) else DYLIB_OBJS=$(COMMON_OBJ) $(I18N_OBJ) $(IO_OBJ) $(STUB_DATA_OBJ) endif ################################# # Sources ################################# # For installsrc (B&I) # Note that installsrc is run on the system from which ICU is submitted, which # may be a different environment than the one for a which a build is targeted. INSTALLSRC_VARFILES=./ICU_embedded.order ./minimalapis.txt ./minimalapisTest.c ./minimalpatchconfig.txt ./windowspatchconfig.txt ./patchconfig.txt ./crosshostpatchconfig.txt ################################# # Cleaning ################################# #We need to clean after installing. EXTRA_CLEAN = # Some directories aren't cleaned recursively. Clean them manually... MANUAL_CLEAN_TOOLS = ./tools/dumpce MANUAL_CLEAN_EXTRA = ./extra/scrptrun ./samples/layout ./extra/ustdio ./extra MANUAL_CLEAN_TEST = ./test/collperf ./test/iotest ./test/letest ./test/thaitest ./test/threadtest ./test/testmap ./test MANUAL_CLEAN_SAMPLE = ./samples/layout ./samples CLEAN_SUBDIR = ./stubdata ./common ./i18n ./io ./layout ./layoutex ./data ./tools ./$(MANUAL_CLEAN_TOOLS) $(MANUAL_CLEAN_EXTRA) $(MANUAL_CLEAN_TEST) $(MANUAL_CLEAN_SAMPLE) ################################# # Config flags ################################# ifeq "$(WINDOWS)" "YES" CONFIG_FLAGS = --disable-renaming --disable-extras --disable-layout --disable-samples --disable-icuio \ --with-data-packaging=library --prefix=$(PRIVATE_HDR_PREFIX) \ $(DRAFT_FLAG) else ifeq "$(LINUX)" "YES" ifeq "$(ARCH64)" "YES" CONFIG_FLAGS = --disable-renaming --disable-extras --disable-layout --disable-samples \ --with-data-packaging=archive --prefix=$(PRIVATE_HDR_PREFIX) --with-library-bits=64 \ $(DRAFT_FLAG) else CONFIG_FLAGS = --disable-renaming --disable-extras --disable-layout --disable-samples \ --with-data-packaging=archive --prefix=$(PRIVATE_HDR_PREFIX) --with-library-bits=32 \ $(DRAFT_FLAG) endif else ifeq "$(APPLE_EMBEDDED)" "YES" CONFIG_FLAGS = --disable-renaming --disable-extras --disable-layout --disable-samples --disable-icuio \ --with-data-packaging=archive --prefix=$(PRIVATE_HDR_PREFIX) \ $(DRAFT_FLAG) else CONFIG_FLAGS = --disable-renaming --disable-extras --disable-layout --disable-samples \ --with-data-packaging=archive --prefix=$(PRIVATE_HDR_PREFIX) \ $(DRAFT_FLAG) endif ################################# # Install paths ################################# # This may or may not be an appropriate name for the icu dylib. This naming scheme is # an attempt to follow the icu convention in naming the dylib and then having symbolic # links of easier to remember library names point it it. *UPDATE* the version and # sub-version variables as needed. The Core version should be 'A' until the core # version changes it's API...that is a new version isn't backwards compatible. # The ICU version/subversion should reflect the actual ICU version. LIB_NAME = icucore ICU_VERS = 49 ICU_SUBVERS = 1 CORE_VERS = A ifeq "$(WINDOWS)" "YES" DYLIB_SUFF = dll libdir = /AppleInternal/bin/ winlibdir = /AppleInternal/lib/ else ifeq "$(LINUX)" "YES" DYLIB_SUFF = so ifeq "$(ARCH64)" "YES" libdir = /usr/lib64/ else libdir = /usr/lib/ endif winlibdir = else DYLIB_SUFF = dylib libdir = /usr/lib/ winlibdir = endif DYLIB = lib$(LIB_NAME).$(DYLIB_SUFF) DYLIB_DEBUG = lib$(LIB_NAME)_debug.$(DYLIB_SUFF) DYLIB_PROFILE = lib$(LIB_NAME)_profile.$(DYLIB_SUFF) ifeq "$(WINDOWS)" "YES" INSTALLED_DYLIB = $(LIB_NAME).$(DYLIB_SUFF) INSTALLED_DYLIB_DEBUG = $(LIB_NAME)_debug.$(DYLIB_SUFF) INSTALLED_DYLIB_PROFILE = $(LIB_NAME)_profile.$(DYLIB_SUFF) else ifeq "$(LINUX)" "YES" INSTALLED_DYLIB = lib$(LIB_NAME).$(DYLIB_SUFF) INSTALLED_DYLIB_DEBUG = lib$(LIB_NAME)_debug.$(DYLIB_SUFF) INSTALLED_DYLIB_PROFILE = lib$(LIB_NAME)_profile.$(DYLIB_SUFF) else INSTALLED_DYLIB = lib$(LIB_NAME).$(CORE_VERS).$(DYLIB_SUFF) INSTALLED_DYLIB_DEBUG = lib$(LIB_NAME).$(CORE_VERS)_debug.$(DYLIB_SUFF) INSTALLED_DYLIB_PROFILE = lib$(LIB_NAME).$(CORE_VERS)_profile.$(DYLIB_SUFF) endif INSTALLED_DYLIB_icu = INSTALLED_DYLIB INSTALLED_DYLIB_debug = INSTALLED_DYLIB_DEBUG INSTALLED_DYLIB_profile = INSTALLED_DYLIB_PROFILE DYLIB_icu = DYLIB DYLIB_debug = DYLIB_DEBUG DYLIB_profile = DYLIB_PROFILE ################################# # Data files ################################# datadir=/usr/share/icu/ OPEN_SOURCE_VERSIONS_DIR=/usr/local/OpenSourceVersions/ OPEN_SOURCE_LICENSES_DIR=/usr/local/OpenSourceLicenses/ ICU_DATA_DIR= data/out B_DATA_FILE=icudt$(ICU_VERS)b.dat L_DATA_FILE=icudt$(ICU_VERS)l.dat ################################# # Info tool ################################# localtooldir=/usr/local/bin/ INFOTOOL = icuinfo INFOTOOL_OBJS = ./tools/icuinfo/icuinfo.o ./tools/toolutil/udbgutil.o ./tools/toolutil/uoptions.o ################################# # Environment variables ################################# # $(RC_ARCHS:%=-arch %) is a substitution reference. It denotes, in this case, # for every value in RC_ARCHS, replace it with "-arch ". Substitution # references have the form $(var:a=b). We can insert the strip and prebinding commands # into CFLAGS (and CXXFLAGS). This controls a lot of the external variables so we don't # need to directly modify the ICU files (like for CFLAGS, etc). LIBOVERRIDES=LIBICUDT="-L$(OBJROOT) -l$(LIB_NAME)" \ LIBICUUC="-L$(OBJROOT) -l$(LIB_NAME)" \ LIBICUI18N="-L$(OBJROOT) -l$(LIB_NAME)" # For normal Windows builds set the ENV= options here; for debug Windows builds set the ENV_DEBUG= # options here and also the update the LINK.EXE lines in the TARGETS section below. ifeq "$(WINDOWS)" "YES" export TZ_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS:= ifeq "$(ICU_BUILD)" "0" CPPOPTIONS = CPPFLAGS="-DU_DISABLE_RENAMING=1" else CPPOPTIONS = CPPFLAGS="-DU_DISABLE_RENAMING=1 -DU_ICU_VERSION_BUILDLEVEL_NUM=$(ICU_BUILD)" endif ENV= CFLAGS="/O2 /Ob2 /MD /GF /GS /Zi /nologo /D_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NAMES" CXXFLAGS="/O2 /Ob2 /MD /GF /GS /Zi /nologo /D_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NAMES /EHsc /Zc:wchar_t" LDFLAGS="/NXCOMPAT /SAFESEH /DYNAMICBASE /DEBUG /OPT:REF" ENV_CONFIGURE= $(CPPOPTIONS) CFLAGS="/O2 /Ob2 /MD /GF /GS /nologo /D_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NAMES" CXXFLAGS="/O2 /Ob2 /MD /GF /GS /nologo /D_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NAMES /EHsc /Zc:wchar_t" ENV_DEBUG= CFLAGS="/O2 /Ob2 /MDd /GF /GS /Zi /D_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NAMES" CXXFLAGS="/O2 /Ob2 /MDd /GF /GS /Zi /D_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NAMES /EHsc" LDFLAGS="/DEBUG /DYNAMICBASE" ENV_PROFILE= else ifeq "$(LINUX)" "YES" export TZ_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS:= ifeq "$(ICU_BUILD)" "0" CPPOPTIONS = CPPFLAGS="-DU_DISABLE_RENAMING=1" else CPPOPTIONS = CPPFLAGS="-DU_DISABLE_RENAMING=1 -DU_ICU_VERSION_BUILDLEVEL_NUM=$(ICU_BUILD)" endif ifeq "$(ARCH64)" "YES" ENV_CONFIGURE= $(CPPOPTIONS) APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR="$(APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR)" \ CC="$(CC)" \ CXX="$(CXX)" \ CFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" -m64 -g -Os -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden" \ CXXFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" -m64 -g -Os -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden" \ TZDATA="$(TZDATA)" \ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(DEST_ROOT)/usr/local/lib64" ENV= APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR="$(APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR)" \ CC="$(CC)" \ CXX="$(CXX)" \ CFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" -m64 -g -Os -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden" \ CXXFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" -m64 -g -Os -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden" \ TZDATA="$(TZDATA)" \ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(DEST_ROOT)/usr/local/lib64" ENV_DEBUG = APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR="$(APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR)" \ CC="$(CC)" \ CXX="$(CXX)" \ CFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" -m64 -O0 -gfull -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden" \ CXXFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" -m64 -O0 -gfull -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden" \ TZDATA="$(TZDATA)" \ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(DEST_ROOT)/usr/local/lib64" ENV_PROFILE = APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR="$(APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR)" \ CC="$(CC)" \ CXX="$(CXX)" \ CFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" -m64 -g -Os -pg -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden" \ CXXFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" -m64 -g -Os -pg -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden" \ TZDATA="$(TZDATA)" \ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(DEST_ROOT)/usr/local/lib64" else ENV_CONFIGURE= $(CPPOPTIONS) APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR="$(APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR)" \ CC="$(CC)" \ CXX="$(CXX)" \ CFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" -m32 -g -Os -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden" \ CXXFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" -m32 -g -Os -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden" \ TZDATA="$(TZDATA)" \ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(DEST_ROOT)/usr/local/lib" ENV= APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR="$(APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR)" \ CC="$(CC)" \ CXX="$(CXX)" \ CFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" -m32 -g -Os -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden" \ CXXFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" -m32 -g -Os -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden" \ TZDATA="$(TZDATA)" \ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(DEST_ROOT)/usr/local/lib" ENV_DEBUG = APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR="$(APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR)" \ CC="$(CC)" \ CXX="$(CXX)" \ CFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" -m32 -O0 -gfull -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden" \ CXXFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" -m32 -O0 -gfull -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden" \ TZDATA="$(TZDATA)" \ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(DEST_ROOT)/usr/local/lib" ENV_PROFILE = APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR="$(APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR)" \ CC="$(CC)" \ CXX="$(CXX)" \ CFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" -m32 -g -Os -pg -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden" \ CXXFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" -m32 -g -Os -pg -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden" \ TZDATA="$(TZDATA)" \ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(DEST_ROOT)/usr/local/lib" endif else export TZ_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS:=-DMAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=$(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED) $(ICU_TARGET_VERSION_FOR_TZ_EXTRA) ifeq "$(ICU_BUILD)" "0" CPPOPTIONS = CPPFLAGS="-DSTD_INSPIRED -DMAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=$(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED)" else CPPOPTIONS = CPPFLAGS="-DU_ICU_VERSION_BUILDLEVEL_NUM=$(ICU_BUILD) -DSTD_INSPIRED -DMAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=$(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED)" endif ENV_CONFIGURE= $(CPPOPTIONS) APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR="$(APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR)" \ CC="$(CC)" \ CXX="$(CXX)" \ CFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" $(ENV_CONFIGURE_ARCHS) $(ICU_TARGET_VERSION) -g -Os -Wglobal-constructors -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden $(ISYSROOT) $(THUMB_FLAG)" \ CXXFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" $(ENV_CONFIGURE_ARCHS) $(ICU_TARGET_VERSION) -g -Os -Wglobal-constructors -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden $(ISYSROOT) $(THUMB_FLAG)" \ TZ_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS="$(TZ_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS)" \ RC_ARCHS="$(RC_ARCHS)" $(FORCEENDIAN)\ TZDATA="$(TZDATA)" \ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(DEST_ROOT)/usr/local/lib" ENV= APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR="$(APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR)" \ CC="$(CC)" \ CXX="$(CXX)" \ CFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" $(RC_ARCHS:%=-arch %) $(ICU_TARGET_VERSION) -g -Os -Wglobal-constructors -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden $(ISYSROOT) $(THUMB_FLAG)" \ CXXFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" $(RC_ARCHS:%=-arch %) $(ICU_TARGET_VERSION) -g -Os -Wglobal-constructors -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden $(ISYSROOT) $(THUMB_FLAG)" \ TZ_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS="$(TZ_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS)" \ RC_ARCHS="$(RC_ARCHS)" \ TZDATA="$(TZDATA)" \ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(DEST_ROOT)/usr/local/lib" ENV_DEBUG = APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR="$(APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR)" \ CC="$(CC)" \ CXX="$(CXX)" \ CFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" $(RC_ARCHS:%=-arch %) $(ICU_TARGET_VERSION) -O0 -gfull -Wglobal-constructors -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden $(ISYSROOT) $(THUMB_FLAG)" \ CXXFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" $(RC_ARCHS:%=-arch %) $(ICU_TARGET_VERSION) -O0 -gfull -Wglobal-constructors -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden $(ISYSROOT) $(THUMB_FLAG)" \ TZ_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS="$(TZ_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS)" \ RC_ARCHS="$(RC_ARCHS)" \ TZDATA="$(TZDATA)" \ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(DEST_ROOT)/usr/local/lib" ENV_PROFILE = APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR="$(APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR)" \ CC="$(CC)" \ CXX="$(CXX)" \ CFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" $(RC_ARCHS:%=-arch %) $(ICU_TARGET_VERSION) -g -Os -pg -Wglobal-constructors -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden $(ISYSROOT) $(THUMB_FLAG)" \ CXXFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" $(RC_ARCHS:%=-arch %) $(ICU_TARGET_VERSION) -g -Os -pg -Wglobal-constructors -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden $(ISYSROOT) $(THUMB_FLAG)" \ TZ_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS="$(TZ_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS)" \ RC_ARCHS="$(RC_ARCHS)" \ TZDATA="$(TZDATA)" \ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(DEST_ROOT)/usr/local/lib" ENV_CONFIGURE_BUILDHOST = $(CPPOPTIONS) APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR="$(APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR)" \ CFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" -mmacosx-version-min=$(OSX_HOST_VERSION_MIN_STRING) -g -Os -Wglobal-constructors -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden" \ CXXFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" -mmacosx-version-min=$(OSX_HOST_VERSION_MIN_STRING) -g -Os -Wglobal-constructors -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden" \ TZ_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS="$(TZ_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS)" \ TZDATA="$(TZDATA)" \ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(DEST_ROOT)/usr/local/lib" ENV_BUILDHOST = APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR="$(APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR)" \ CFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" -mmacosx-version-min=$(OSX_HOST_VERSION_MIN_STRING) -g -Os -Wglobal-constructors -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden" \ CXXFLAGS="-DU_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API=1 -DU_SHOW_INTERNAL_API=1 -DICU_DATA_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/share/icu/\\\"\" -mmacosx-version-min=$(OSX_HOST_VERSION_MIN_STRING) -g -Os -Wglobal-constructors -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden" \ TZ_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS="$(TZ_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS)" \ TZDATA="$(TZDATA)" \ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(DEST_ROOT)/usr/local/lib" endif ENV_icu = ENV ENV_debug = ENV_DEBUG ENV_profile = ENV_PROFILE ifeq "$(APPLE_EMBEDDED)" "YES" ORDERFILE=$(SRCROOT)/ICU_embedded.order else ORDERFILE=/usr/local/lib/OrderFiles/libicucore.order endif ifeq "$(shell test -f $(ORDERFILE) && echo YES )" "YES" SECTORDER_FLAGS=-sectorder __TEXT __text $(ORDERFILE) else SECTORDER_FLAGS= endif ################################# ################################# # TARGETS ################################# ################################# .PHONY : icu check installsrc installhdrs installhdrsint clean install debug debug-install crossbuildhost .DELETE_ON_ERROR : icu debug profile : $(OBJROOT)/Makefile (cd $(OBJROOT); \ $(MAKE) $($(ENV_$@)); \ if test "$(WINDOWS)" = "YES"; then \ (cd common; \ rc.exe /folibicuuc.res $(CPPFLAGS) -DU_RELEASE=1 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I. -I../i18n \ "-DDEFAULT_ICU_PLUGINS=\"/AppleInternal/lib/icu\" " -DU_LOCAL_SERVICE_HOOK=1 libicuuc.rc; \ ); \ (cd i18n; \ rc.exe /folibicuin.res $(CPPFLAGS) -DU_RELEASE=1 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I. -I../common libicuin.rc; \ ); \ if test "$@" = "debug"; then \ (cd common; \ LINK.EXE /subsystem:console /DLL /nologo /base:"0x4a800000" /DYNAMICBASE /DEBUG \ /IMPLIB:../lib/libicuuc_$@.lib /out:../lib/libicuuc_$@.dll \ *.o libicuuc.res ../stubdata/icudt.lib advapi32.lib; \ ); \ (cd i18n; \ LINK.EXE /subsystem:console /DLL /nologo /base:"0x4a900000" /DYNAMICBASE /DEBUG \ /IMPLIB:../lib/libicuin_$@.lib /out:../lib/libicuin_$@.dll \ *.o libicuin.res ../lib/libicuuc_$@.lib ../stubdata/icudt.lib advapi32.lib; \ ); \ else \ mkdir -p lib/shim; \ (cd common; \ rm -f icuuc40shim.o; \ rm -f ../lib/libicuuc.dll.manifest; \ rm -f ../lib/icuuc40.dll.manifest; \ LINK.EXE /DLL /NXCOMPAT /SAFESEH /DYNAMICBASE /DEBUG /OPT:REF /MANIFEST \ /IMPLIB:../lib/libicuuc.lib /out:../lib/libicuuc.dll \ *.o libicuuc.res ../stubdata/icudt.lib advapi32.lib; \ mt.exe -nologo -manifest ../lib/libicuuc.dll.manifest -outputresource:"../lib/libicuuc.dll;2"; \ cl -DU_DISABLE_RENAMING=1 -DU_ICU_VERSION_BUILDLEVEL_NUM=$(ICU_BUILD) \ -DU_RELEASE=1 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I. -I../i18n \ -DU_LOCAL_SERVICE_HOOK=1 -DWIN32 -DU_COMMON_IMPLEMENTATION \ /O2 /Ob2 /MD /GF /GS /Zi /nologo /D_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NAMES /EHsc /Zc:wchar_t \ /c /Foicuuc40shim.o icuuc40shim.cpp; \ rc.exe /foicuuc40shim.res $(CPPFLAGS) -DU_RELEASE=1 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I. -I../i18n \ "-DDEFAULT_ICU_PLUGINS=\"/AppleInternal/lib/icu\" " -DU_LOCAL_SERVICE_HOOK=1 icuuc40shim.rc; \ LINK.EXE /DLL /NXCOMPAT /SAFESEH /DYNAMICBASE /DEBUG /OPT:REF /MANIFEST \ /IMPLIB:../lib/shim/icuuc.lib /out:../lib/icuuc40.dll \ icuuc40shim.o icuuc40shim.res ../lib/libicuuc.lib ../stubdata/icudt.lib advapi32.lib; \ mt.exe -nologo -manifest ../lib/icuuc40.dll.manifest -outputresource:"../lib/icuuc40.dll;2"; \ ); \ (cd i18n; \ rm -f icuin40shim.o; \ rm -f ../lib/libicuin.dll.manifest; \ rm -f ../lib/icuin40.dll.manifest; \ LINK.EXE /DLL /NXCOMPAT /SAFESEH /DYNAMICBASE /DEBUG /OPT:REF /MANIFEST \ /IMPLIB:../lib/libicuin.lib /out:../lib/libicuin.dll \ *.o libicuin.res ../lib/libicuuc.lib ../stubdata/icudt.lib advapi32.lib; \ mt.exe -nologo -manifest ../lib/libicuin.dll.manifest -outputresource:"../lib/libicuin.dll;2"; \ cl -DU_DISABLE_RENAMING=1 -DU_ICU_VERSION_BUILDLEVEL_NUM=$(ICU_BUILD) \ -DU_RELEASE=1 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I. -I../common \ -DU_LOCAL_SERVICE_HOOK=1 -DWIN32 -DU_I18N_IMPLEMENTATION \ /O2 /Ob2 /MD /GF /GS /Zi /nologo /D_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NAMES /EHsc /Zc:wchar_t \ /c /Foicuin40shim.o icuin40shim.cpp; \ rc.exe /foicuin40shim.res $(CPPFLAGS) -DU_RELEASE=1 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I. -I../common \ "-DDEFAULT_ICU_PLUGINS=\"/AppleInternal/lib/icu\" " -DU_LOCAL_SERVICE_HOOK=1 icuin40shim.rc; \ LINK.EXE /DLL /NXCOMPAT /SAFESEH /DYNAMICBASE /DEBUG /OPT:REF /MANIFEST \ /IMPLIB:../lib/shim/icuin.lib /out:../lib/icuin40.dll \ icuin40shim.o icuin40shim.res ../lib/libicuin.lib ../stubdata/icudt.lib advapi32.lib; \ mt.exe -nologo -manifest ../lib/icuin40.dll.manifest -outputresource:"../lib/icuin40.dll;2"; \ ); \ fi; \ else \ if test "$(LINUX)" = "YES"; then \ if test "$(ARCH64)" = "YES"; then \ $($(ENV_$@)) $(CXX) \ -m64 -g -Os -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden \ $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -shared -Wl,-Bsymbolic -Wl,-soname,$($(INSTALLED_DYLIB_$@)) -Wl,-L/usr/lib64/ -ldl \ -o ./$($(INSTALLED_DYLIB_$@)) $(DYLIB_OBJS); \ else \ $($(ENV_$@)) $(CXX) \ -m32 -g -Os -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden \ $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -shared -Wl,-Bsymbolic -Wl,-soname,$($(INSTALLED_DYLIB_$@)) -ldl \ -o ./$($(INSTALLED_DYLIB_$@)) $(DYLIB_OBJS); \ fi; \ else \ tmpfile=`mktemp -t weakexternal.XXXXXX` || exit 1; \ $(NM) -m $(RC_ARCHS:%=-arch %) $(DYLIB_OBJS) | fgrep "weak external" | fgrep -v "undefined" | sed -e 's/.*weak external[^_]*//' | sort | uniq | cat >$$tmpfile; \ $($(ENV_$@)) $(CXX) -current_version $(ICU_VERS).$(ICU_SUBVERS) -compatibility_version 1 -dynamiclib -dynamic \ $(RC_ARCHS:%=-arch %) $(ICU_TARGET_VERSION) -g -Os -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden $(ISYSROOT) $(THUMB_FLAG) \ $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -single_module $(SECTORDER_FLAGS) -unexported_symbols_list $$tmpfile -dead_strip \ -install_name $(libdir)$($(INSTALLED_DYLIB_$@)) -o ./$($(INSTALLED_DYLIB_$@)) $(DYLIB_OBJS); \ if test "$@" = "icu"; then \ ln -fs $(INSTALLED_DYLIB) $(DYLIB); \ $($(ENV_$@)) $(CXX) $(RC_ARCHS:%=-arch %) -g -Os -fno-exceptions -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden $(ISYSROOT) $(THUMB_FLAG) \ $(LDFLAGS) -Wl,-S -Wl,-x -dead_strip -o ./$(INFOTOOL) $(INFOTOOL_OBJS) -L./ -l$(LIB_NAME) ; \ fi; \ fi; \ if test -f ./$(ICU_DATA_DIR)/$(B_DATA_FILE); then \ ln -fs ./$(ICU_DATA_DIR)/$(B_DATA_FILE); \ fi; \ if test -f ./$(ICU_DATA_DIR)/$(L_DATA_FILE); then \ ln -fs ./$(ICU_DATA_DIR)/$(L_DATA_FILE); \ else \ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(ICUPKGTOOLIBS) \ $(ICUPKGTOOL) -tl ./$(ICU_DATA_DIR)/$(B_DATA_FILE) $(L_DATA_FILE); \ fi; \ fi; \ ); crossbuildhost : $(CROSSHOST_OBJROOT)/Makefile (cd $(CROSSHOST_OBJROOT); \ $(MAKE) $($(ENV_BUILDHOST)); \ ); check : icu ifneq "$(CROSS_BUILD)" "YES" (cd $(OBJROOT); \ ICU_DATA=$(OBJROOT) $(MAKE) $(ENV) check; \ ); else $(warning check not supported for cross-build) endif check-debug: debug ifneq "$(CROSS_BUILD)" "YES" (cd $(OBJROOT); \ ICU_DATA=$(OBJROOT) $(MAKE) $(ENV_DEBUG) check; \ ); else $(warning check not supported for cross-build) endif samples: icu (cd $(OBJROOT)/samples; \ $(MAKE) $(ENV_DEBUG) $(LIBOVERRIDES); \ ); extra: icu (cd $(OBJROOT)/extra; \ $(MAKE) $(ENV_DEBUG) $(LIBOVERRIDES); \ ); ifneq "$(CROSS_BUILD)" "YES" $(OBJROOT)/Makefile : else $(OBJROOT)/Makefile : crossbuildhost endif if test ! -d $(OBJROOT); then \ mkdir -p $(OBJROOT); \ fi; cp -Rpf $(SRCROOT)/icuSources/* $(OBJROOT); if test "$(WINDOWS)" = "YES"; then \ (cd $(OBJROOT)/data/unidata; mv base_unidata/*.txt .;); \ (cd $(OBJROOT)/data/unidata/norm2; mv base_norm2/*.txt .;); \ (cd $(OBJROOT)/data/in; mv base_in/*.nrm .; mv base_in/*.icu .;); \ (cd $(OBJROOT); $(ENV_CONFIGURE) ./runConfigureICU Cygwin/MSVC $(CONFIG_FLAGS);) \ elif test "$(LINUX)" = "YES"; then \ (cd $(OBJROOT)/data/unidata; mv base_unidata/*.txt .;); \ (cd $(OBJROOT)/data/unidata/norm2; mv base_norm2/*.txt .;); \ (cd $(OBJROOT)/data/in; mv base_in/*.nrm .; mv base_in/*.icu .;); \ (cd $(OBJROOT); $(ENV_CONFIGURE) ./runConfigureICU Linux $(CONFIG_FLAGS);) \ elif test "$(CROSS_BUILD)" = "YES"; then \ (cd $(OBJROOT); $(ENV_CONFIGURE) ./configure --host=$(TARGET_SPEC) --with-cross-build=$(CROSSHOST_OBJROOT) $(CONFIG_FLAGS);) \ else \ (cd $(OBJROOT); $(ENV_CONFIGURE) ./runConfigureICU MacOSX $(CONFIG_FLAGS);) \ fi; if test "$(APPLE_EMBEDDED)" = "YES"; then \ (cd $(OBJROOT)/common/unicode/; patch <$(SRCROOT)/minimalpatchconfig.txt;) \ elif test "$(WINDOWS)" = "YES"; then \ (cd $(OBJROOT)/common/unicode/; patch <$(SRCROOT)/windowspatchconfig.txt;) \ else \ (cd $(OBJROOT)/common/unicode/; patch <$(SRCROOT)/patchconfig.txt;) \ fi; \ # used to copy the Makefile.local from common & i18n in $(SRCROOT) to $(OBJROOT), no longer needed since we copy all of $(SRCROOT) # for the tools that build the data file, cannot set UDATA_DEFAULT_ACCESS = UDATA_ONLY_PACKAGES # as minimalpatchconfig.txt does; need different patches for the host build. $(CROSSHOST_OBJROOT)/Makefile : if test ! -d $(CROSSHOST_OBJROOT); then \ mkdir -p $(CROSSHOST_OBJROOT); \ fi; cp -Rpf $(SRCROOT)/icuSources/* $(CROSSHOST_OBJROOT); (cd $(CROSSHOST_OBJROOT); $(ENV_CONFIGURE_BUILDHOST) ./runConfigureICU MacOSX $(CONFIG_FLAGS);) (cd $(CROSSHOST_OBJROOT)/common/unicode/; patch <$(SRCROOT)/crosshostpatchconfig.txt;) # used to copy the Makefile.local from common & i18n in $(SRCROOT) to $(CROSSHOST_OBJROOT), no longer needed since we copy all of $(SRCROOT) ################################# # B&I TARGETS ################################# # Since our sources are in icuSources (ignore the ICU subdirectory for now), we wish to # copy them to somewhere else. We tar it to stdout, cd to the appropriate directory, and # untar from stdin. We then look for all the CVS directories and remove them. We may have # to remove the .cvsignore files also. installsrc : if test ! -d $(SRCROOT); then mkdir $(SRCROOT); fi; if test -d $(SRCROOT)/icuSources ; then rm -rf $(SRCROOT)/icuSources; fi; tar cf - ./makefile ./ICU.plist ./license.html ./icuSources $(INSTALLSRC_VARFILES) | (cd $(SRCROOT) ; tar xfp -); \ for i in `find $(SRCROOT)/icuSources/ | grep "CVS$$"` ; do \ if test -d $$i ; then \ rm -rf $$i; \ fi; \ done for j in `find $(SRCROOT)/icuSources/ | grep ".cvsignore"` ; do \ if test -f $$j ; then \ rm -f $$j; \ fi; \ done # This works. Just not for ~ in the DEST_ROOT. We run configure first (in case it hasn't # been already). Then we make the install-headers target on specific makefiles (since # not every subdirectory/sub-component has a install-headers target). # installhdrs should be no-op for RC_INDIGO ifeq "$(RC_INDIGO)" "YES" installhdrs : else installhdrs : installhdrsint endif installhdrsint : $(OBJROOT)/Makefile (cd $(OBJROOT); \ for subdir in $(HDR_MAKE_SUBDIR); do \ (cd $$subdir; $(MAKE) -e DESTDIR=$(DEST_ROOT) $(ENV) install-headers); \ done; \ if test "$(APPLE_EMBEDDED)" = "YES"; then \ if test ! -d $(DEST_ROOT)$(HDR_PREFIX)/include/unicode/; then \ $(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(DEST_ROOT)$(HDR_PREFIX)/include/unicode/; \ fi; \ if test -d $(DEST_ROOT)/$(PRIVATE_HDR_PREFIX)/include/unicode/; then \ (cd $(DEST_ROOT)$(PRIVATE_HDR_PREFIX)/include/unicode; \ for i in *.h; do \ if fgrep -q -x $$i $(SRCROOT)/minimalapis.txt ; then \ mv $$i $(DEST_ROOT)$(HDR_PREFIX)/include/unicode ; \ fi ; \ done ); \ $(CC) $(SRCROOT)/minimalapisTest.c $(INSTALLHDRS_ARCH) $(ISYSROOT) -nostdinc \ -I $(DEST_ROOT)$(HDR_PREFIX)/include/ -I $(SDKROOT)/usr/include/ -E > /dev/null ; \ fi; \ fi; \ ); # We run configure and run make first. This generates the .o files. We then link them # all up together into libicucore. Then we put it into its install location, create # symbolic links, and then strip the main dylib. Then install the remaining libraries. # We cleanup the sources folder. install : installhdrsint icu if test ! -d $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)/; then \ $(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)/; \ fi; if test "$(WINDOWS)" = "YES"; then \ if test ! -d $(DEST_ROOT)$(winlibdir)/; then \ $(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(DEST_ROOT)$(winlibdir)/; \ fi; \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0644 $(OBJROOT)/lib/libicuuc.lib $(DEST_ROOT)$(winlibdir)libicuuc.lib; \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0644 $(OBJROOT)/lib/libicuuc.pdb $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)libicuuc.pdb; \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0755 $(OBJROOT)/lib/libicuuc.dll $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)libicuuc.dll; \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0644 $(OBJROOT)/lib/libicuin.lib $(DEST_ROOT)$(winlibdir)libicuin.lib; \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0644 $(OBJROOT)/lib/libicuin.pdb $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)libicuin.pdb; \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0755 $(OBJROOT)/lib/libicuin.dll $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)libicuin.dll; \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0755 $(OBJROOT)/lib/icudt$(ICU_VERS).dll $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)icudt$(ICU_VERS).dll; \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0644 $(OBJROOT)/lib/shim/icuuc.lib $(DEST_ROOT)$(winlibdir)icuuc.lib; \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0644 $(OBJROOT)/lib/icuuc40.pdb $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)icuuc40.pdb; \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0755 $(OBJROOT)/lib/icuuc40.dll $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)icuuc40.dll; \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0644 $(OBJROOT)/lib/shim/icuin.lib $(DEST_ROOT)$(winlibdir)icuin.lib; \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0644 $(OBJROOT)/lib/icuin40.pdb $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)icuin40.pdb; \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0755 $(OBJROOT)/lib/icuin40.dll $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)icuin40.dll; \ else \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0755 $(OBJROOT)/$(INSTALLED_DYLIB) $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)$(INSTALLED_DYLIB); \ if test "$(LINUX)" = "YES"; then \ cp $(OBJROOT)/$(INSTALLED_DYLIB) $(SYMROOT)/$(INSTALLED_DYLIB); \ strip -x -S $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)$(INSTALLED_DYLIB); \ else \ (cd $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir); \ ln -fs $(INSTALLED_DYLIB) $(DYLIB)); \ cp $(OBJROOT)/$(INSTALLED_DYLIB) $(SYMROOT)/$(INSTALLED_DYLIB); \ $(STRIPCMD) -x -u -r -S $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)$(INSTALLED_DYLIB); \ fi; \ for subdir in $(EXTRA_LIBS); do \ (cd $(OBJROOT)/$$subdir; $(MAKE) -e DESTDIR=$(DEST_ROOT) $(ENV) install-library;) \ done; \ if test ! -d $(DEST_ROOT)$(datadir)/; then \ $(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(DEST_ROOT)$(datadir)/; \ fi; \ if test -f $(OBJROOT)/$(L_DATA_FILE); then \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0644 $(OBJROOT)/$(L_DATA_FILE) $(DEST_ROOT)$(datadir)$(L_DATA_FILE); \ fi; \ if test ! -d $(DEST_ROOT)$(OPEN_SOURCE_VERSIONS_DIR)/; then \ $(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(DEST_ROOT)$(OPEN_SOURCE_VERSIONS_DIR)/; \ fi; \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0644 $(SRCROOT)/ICU.plist $(DEST_ROOT)$(OPEN_SOURCE_VERSIONS_DIR)ICU.plist; \ if test ! -d $(DEST_ROOT)$(OPEN_SOURCE_LICENSES_DIR)/; then \ $(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(DEST_ROOT)$(OPEN_SOURCE_LICENSES_DIR)/; \ fi; \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0644 $(SRCROOT)/license.html $(DEST_ROOT)$(OPEN_SOURCE_LICENSES_DIR)ICU.html; \ if test ! -d $(DEST_ROOT)$(localtooldir)/; then \ $(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(DEST_ROOT)$(localtooldir)/; \ fi; \ if test -f $(OBJROOT)/$(INFOTOOL); then \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0755 $(OBJROOT)/$(INFOTOOL) $(DEST_ROOT)$(localtooldir)$(INFOTOOL); \ fi; \ fi; DEPEND_install_debug = debug DEPEND_install_profile = profile .SECONDEXPANSION: install_debug install_profile : $$(DEPEND_$$@) if test ! -d $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)/; then \ $(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)/; \ fi; if test "$(WINDOWS)" = "YES"; then \ if test ! -d $(DEST_ROOT)$(winlibdir)/; then \ $(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(DEST_ROOT)$(winlibdir)/; \ fi; \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0644 $(OBJROOT)/lib/libicuuc_$(DEPEND_$@).lib $(DEST_ROOT)$(winlibdir)libicuuc_$(DEPEND_$@).lib; \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0644 $(OBJROOT)/lib/libicuuc_$(DEPEND_$@).pdb $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)libicuuc_$(DEPEND_$@).pdb; \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0755 $(OBJROOT)/lib/libicuuc_$(DEPEND_$@).dll $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)libicuuc_$(DEPEND_$@).dll; \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0644 $(OBJROOT)/lib/libicuin_$(DEPEND_$@).lib $(DEST_ROOT)$(winlibdir)libicuin_$(DEPEND_$@).lib; \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0644 $(OBJROOT)/lib/libicuin_$(DEPEND_$@).pdb $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)libicuin_$(DEPEND_$@).pdb; \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0755 $(OBJROOT)/lib/libicuin_$(DEPEND_$@).dll $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)libicuin_$(DEPEND_$@).dll; \ else \ $(INSTALL) -b -m 0664 $(OBJROOT)/$($(INSTALLED_DYLIB_$(DEPEND_$@))) $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)$($(INSTALLED_DYLIB_$(DEPEND_$@))); \ if test "$(LINUX)" = "YES"; then \ cp $(OBJROOT)/$($(INSTALLED_DYLIB_$(DEPEND_$@))) $(SYMROOT)/$($(INSTALLED_DYLIB_$(DEPEND_$@))); \ strip -x -S $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)$($(INSTALLED_DYLIB_$(DEPEND_$@))); \ else \ (cd $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir); \ ln -fs $($(INSTALLED_DYLIB_$(DEPEND_$@))) $($(DYLIB_$(DEPEND_$@)))); \ cp $(OBJROOT)/$($(INSTALLED_DYLIB_$(DEPEND_$@))) $(SYMROOT)/$($(INSTALLED_DYLIB_$(DEPEND_$@))); \ $(STRIPCMD) -x -u -r -S $(DEST_ROOT)$(libdir)$($(INSTALLED_DYLIB_$(DEPEND_$@))); \ fi; \ for subdir in $(EXTRA_LIBS); do \ (cd $(OBJROOT)/$$subdir; $(MAKE) -e DESTDIR=$(DEST_ROOT) $(ENV) install-library;) \ done; \ fi; clean : -rm -rf $(OBJROOT)