## # Standard Variables #ifdef BSDMAKESTYLE # # (Created from /Developer/Makefiles/CoreOS/Standard/Variables.make) #endif # # Wilfredo Sanchez | wsanchez@apple.com # Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Apple Computer, Inc. # # @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ # # Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Apple Inc. All Rights # Reserved. This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of # Original Code as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public # Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"). You may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the # License at http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using # this file. # # The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are # distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON- INFRINGEMENT. Please see the # License for the specific language governing rights and limitations # under the License. # # @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ ## ## # Where to find Makefiles ## #ifdef BSDMAKESTYLE MAKEFILEPATH = /usr/share/mk .ifndef CoreOSMakefiles #else ifndef CoreOSMakefiles #endif CoreOSMakefiles = $(MAKEFILEPATH)/CoreOS #ifdef BSDMAKESTYLE .else #else else #endif #ifdef BSDMAKESTYLE CoreOSMakefiles != cd $(CoreOSMakefiles) && pwd #else CoreOSMakefiles := $(shell cd $(CoreOSMakefiles) && pwd) #endif #ifdef BSDMAKESTYLE .endif #else endif #endif ## # Verbosity ## #ifdef BSDMAKESTYLE .if defined(RC_JASPER) && $(RC_JASPER) == YES #else ifeq ($(RC_JASPER),YES) #endif VERBOSE = YES #ifdef BSDMAKESTYLE .else #else else #endif VERBOSE = NO #ifdef BSDMAKESTYLE .endif #else endif #endif #ifdef BSDMAKESTYLE _v = $(VERBOSE:S/YES//:S/NO/@/) #else _v = $(subst NO,@,$(subst YES,,$(VERBOSE))) #endif #ifdef BSDMAKESTYLE _q = $(VERBOSE:S/NO//:S/YES/@/) #else _q = $(subst YES,@,$(subst NO,,$(VERBOSE))) #endif ## # Working Directory ## #ifdef BSDMAKESTYLE WD != pwd #else WD := $(shell pwd) #endif ## # User ## #ifdef BSDMAKESTYLE USER != whoami #else USER = $(shell whoami) #endif ## # Host Platform ## #ifdef BSDMAKESTYLE .if !exists($(UNAME)) #else ifeq ($(wildcard $(UNAME)),) #endif OSName := unknown OSVersion := unknown #ifdef BSDMAKESTYLE .else #else else #endif #ifdef BSDMAKESTYLE OSName != $(UNAME) -s #else OSName := $(shell $(UNAME) -s) #endif #ifdef BSDMAKESTYLE OSVersion != $(UNAME) -r #else OSVersion := $(shell $(UNAME) -r) #endif #ifdef BSDMAKESTYLE .endif #else endif #endif ## # Find Garbage ## Cruft = CVS RCS SCCS *~ .*~ .nfs\* .*.wmd .svn .DS_Store .git Find_Cruft = '(' $(Cruft:%=-name '%' -or) -name '' ')' -print Tar_Cruft = $(Cruft:%=--exclude '%') ## # Install ## Install_User = root Install_File_User = $(Install_User) Install_Program_User = $(Install_User) Install_Directory_User = $(Install_User) Install_Group = wheel Install_File_Group = $(Install_Group) Install_Program_Group = $(Install_Group) Install_Directory_Group = $(Install_Group) Install_Mask = 0022 Install_File_Mode = 0444 Install_Program_Mode = 0555 Install_Directory_Mode = 0755 ## # Locations ## AUTOMOUNTDIR = $(NSNETWORKDIR)/Servers BINDIR = /bin CORESDIR = /private/cores DEVDIR = /dev ETCDIR = /private/etc LIBDIR = /lib LIBEXECDIR = $(USRDIR)/libexec LOGDIR = $(VARDIR)/log MANDIR = $(SHAREDIR)/man MAILDIR = $(VARDIR)/mail MISCDIR = $(SHAREDIR)/misc NSADMINDIR = $(NSADMINSUBDIR) NSADMINSUBDIR = /Administration NSAPPLICATIONDIR = $(NSAPPLICATIONSUBDIR) NSAPPLICATIONSUBDIR = /Applications NSDEFAULTLOCATION = $(NSSYSTEMDIR) NSDEMODIR = $(NSAPPLICATIONDIR)$(NSDEMOSUBDIR) NSDEMOSUBDIR = /Extras NSDEVELOPERAPPSDIR = $(NSDEVELOPERDIR)$(NSAPPLICATIONSUBDIR) NSDEVELOPERDIR = $(NSDEVELOPERSUBDIR) NSDEVELOPERSUBDIR = /Developer NSDOCUMENTATIONDIR = $(NSLOCALDIR)$(NSDOCUMENTATIONSUBDIR) NSDOCUMENTATIONSUBDIR = $(NSLIBRARYSUBDIR)/Documentation NSFRAMEWORKDIR = $(NSDEFAULTLOCATION)$(NSFRAMEWORKSUBDIR) NSFRAMEWORKSUBDIR = $(NSLIBRARYSUBDIR)/Frameworks NSLIBRARYDIR = $(NSDEFAULTLOCATION)$(NSLIBRARYSUBDIR) NSLIBRARYSUBDIR = /Library NSLOCALDIR = NSNETWORKDIR = /Network NSSOURCEDIR = $(NSDEVELOPERDIR)$(NSSOURCESUBDIR) NSSOURCESUBDIR = /Source NSSYSTEMDIR = /System RUNDIR = $(VARDIR)/run SBINDIR = /sbin SHAREDIR = $(USRDIR)/share SPOOLDIR = $(VARDIR)/spool TMPDIR = /private/tmp USRBINDIR = $(USRDIR)/bin USRDIR = /usr USRINCLUDEDIR = $(USRDIR)/include USRLIBDIR = $(USRDIR)/lib USRSBINDIR = $(USRDIR)/sbin VARDIR = /private/var VARTMPDIR = $(VARDIR)/tmp SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_TOOLS_DOC_DIR = $(NSDEVELOPERDIR)/Documentation/DocSets/com.apple.ADC_Reference_Library.DeveloperTools.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/documentation/DeveloperTools ## # Targets ## showvar: @echo $($(VAR))