# -*- perl -*- # require 5.004; use strict; use IO::Socket (); use Config (); use Net::Daemon::Test (); use Fcntl (); use Config (); use POSIX qw/WNOHANG/; my $debug = 0; my $dh; if ($debug) { $dh = Symbol::gensym(); open($dh, ">", "forkm.log") or die "Failed to open forkm.log: $!"; } sub log($) { my $msg = shift; print $dh "$$: $msg\n" if $dh; } &log("Start"); my $ok; eval { if ($^O ne "MSWin32") { my $pid = fork(); if (defined($pid)) { if (!$pid) { exit 0; } # Child } wait; $ok = 1; } }; if (!$ok) { &log("!ok"); print "1..0\n"; exit; } $| = 1; $^W = 1; my($handle, $port); if (@ARGV) { $port = shift @ARGV; } else { ($handle, $port) = Net::Daemon::Test->Child (10, $^X, '-Iblib/lib', '-Iblib/arch', 't/server', '--mode=fork', 'logfile=stderr', 'debug'); } sub IsNum { my $str = shift; (defined($str) && $str =~ /(\d+)/) ? $1 : undef; } sub ReadWrite { my $fh = shift; my $i = shift; my $j = shift; &log("ReadWrite: -> fh=$fh, i=$i, j=$j"); if (!$fh->print("$j\n") || !$fh->flush()) { die "Child $i: Error while writing $j: " . $fh->error() . " ($!)"; } my $line = $fh->getline(); &log("ReadWrite: line=$line"); die "Child $i: Error while reading: " . $fh->error() . " ($!)" unless defined($line); my $num; die "Child $i: Cannot parse result: $line" unless defined($num = IsNum($line)); die "Child $i: Expected " . ($j*2) . ", got $num" unless $j*2 == $num; &log("ReadWrite: <-"); } sub MyChild { my $i = shift; &log("MyChild: -> $i"); eval { my $fh = IO::Socket::INET->new('PeerAddr' => '', 'PeerPort' => $port); if (!$fh) { &log("MyChild: Cannot connect: $!"); die "Cannot connect: $!"; } for (my $j = 0; $j < 1000; $j++) { ReadWrite($fh, $i, $j); } }; if ($@) { print STDERR "Client: Error $@\n"; &log("MyChild: Client: Error $@"); return 0; } &log("MyChild: <-"); return 1; } sub ShowResults { &log("ShowResults: ->"); my @results; for (my $i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $results[$i-1] = "not ok $i\n"; } if (open(LOG, ")) { if ($line =~ /(\d+)/) { $results[$1-1] = $line; } } } for (my $i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { print $results[$i-1]; } &log("ShowResults: <-"); exit 0; } my %childs; sub CatchChild { &log("CatchChild: ->"); for(;;) { my $pid = waitpid -1, WNOHANG; last if $pid <= 0; if ($pid > 0) { &log("CatchChild: $pid"); if (exists $childs{$pid}) { delete $childs{$pid}; if (keys(%childs) == 0) { # We ae done when the last of our ten childs are gone. ShowResults(); last; } } } } $SIG{'CHLD'} = \&CatchChild; &log("CatchChild: <-"); } $SIG{'CHLD'} = \&CatchChild; # Spawn 10 childs, each of them running a series of test unlink "log"; &log("Spawning childs"); for (my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { if (defined(my $pid = fork())) { if ($pid) { # This is the parent $childs{$pid} = $i; } else { &log("Child starting"); # This is the child undef $handle; %childs = (); my $result = MyChild($i); my $fh = Symbol::gensym(); if (!open($fh, ">>log") || !flock($fh, 2) || !seek($fh, 0, 2) || !(print $fh (($result ? "ok " : "not ok "), ($i+1), "\n")) || !close($fh)) { print STDERR "Error while writing log file: $!\n"; exit 1; } exit 0; } } else { print STDERR "Failed to create new child: $!\n"; exit 1; } } my $secs = 120; while ($secs > 0) { $secs -= sleep $secs; } END { &log("END: -> handle=" . (defined($handle) ? $handle : "undef")); if ($handle) { $handle->Terminate(); undef $handle; } while (my($var, $val) = each %childs) { kill 'TERM', $var; } %childs = (); unlink "ndtest.prt"; &log("END: <-"); exit 0; }