#!perl -T use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 17; use Variable::Magic qw/wizard cast/; my $wiz = eval { wizard get => sub { undef } }; is($@, '', 'wizard creation doesn\'t croak'); ok(defined $wiz, 'wizard is defined'); is(ref $wiz, 'SCALAR', 'wizard is a scalar ref'); my $n = int rand 1000; my $a = $n; my $res = eval { cast $a, $wiz }; is($@, '', 'cast doesn\'t croak'); ok($res, 'cast is valid'); my $x; eval { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die }; $x = $a }; is($@, '', 'callback returning undef doesn\'t warn/croak'); is($x, $n, 'callback returning undef fails'); { my $c = 0; sub X::wat { ++$c } my $wiz = eval { wizard get => \'X::wat' }; is($@, '', 'wizard with a string callback doesn\'t croak'); my $b = $n; my $res = eval { cast $b, $wiz }; is($@, '', 'cast a wizard with a string callback doesn\'t croak'); my $x; eval { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die }; $x = $b; }; is($@, '', 'string callback doesn\'t warn/croak'); is($c, 1, 'string callback is called'); is($x, $n, 'string callback returns the right thing'); } my @callers; $wiz = wizard get => sub { my @c; my $i = 0; while (@c = caller $i++) { push @callers, [ @c[0, 1, 2] ]; } }; my $b; cast $b, $wiz; my $u = $b; is_deeply(\@callers, [ ([ 'main', $0, __LINE__-2 ]) x 2, ], 'caller into callback returns the right thing'); @callers = (); $u = $b; is_deeply(\@callers, [ ([ 'main', $0, __LINE__-2 ]) x 2, ], 'caller into callback returns the right thing (second time)'); { @callers = (); my $u = $b; is_deeply(\@callers, [ ([ 'main', $0, __LINE__-2 ]) x 2, ], 'caller into callback into block returns the right thing'); } @callers = (); eval { my $u = $b }; is($@, '', 'caller into callback doesn\'t croak'); is_deeply(\@callers, [ ([ 'main', $0, __LINE__-3 ]) x 3, ], 'caller into callback into eval returns the right thing');