# This is an example of a search PDU from the LDAP protocol use Convert::ASN1; use Data::Dumper; my %scope = qw(base 0 one 1 single 1 sub 2 subtree 2); my %deref = qw(never 0 search 1 find 2 always 3); my $search_pdu = Convert::ASN1->new; $search_pdu->prepare(q( SEQUENCE { mesgid INTEGER, [APPLICATION 3] SEQUENCE { base STRING, scope ENUM, deref ENUM, sizeLimit INTEGER, timeLimit INTEGER, typesOnly BOOLEAN, filter STRING, -- for test, should be ANY and the var should hold -- a pre-encoded filter attrs SEQUENCE OF STRING } control [0] SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE { -- this should be optional but we cannot do that inline type STRING, critical BOOLEAN, value STRING OPTIONAL } } )) or die $search_pdu->error; $buf = $search_pdu->encode( mesgid => 3, base => "cn=base", scope => $scope{one}, deref => $deref{find}, sizeLimit => 0, timeLimit => 0, typesOnly => 0, filter => "A filter", attrs => [qw(cn postalAddress)], control => [ { type => "", critical => 1 }, { type => "", critical => 0, value => "abc" } ] ); $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; print Dumper( $search_pdu->decode($buf)); $h = unpack("H*",$buf); $h =~ s/(..)/$1 /g; $h =~ s/(.{47}\s)/$1\n/g; print $h,"\n";